Diet Mountain Dew part II

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part II


Dan woke up, sad when he didn't find Phil beside him. He then sniffed breakfast and perked up. Phil was cooking. He smiled when he remembered last night. Phil had touched him in such a way... Something was there. He and Phil had something. Dan was excited to find what it was.

He stood up, smiling brightly, not even minding the dull pain in his arse. He couldn't help but feel good. He and Phil's relationship was gonna change now. Dan was gonna mean more. Not just be a burden. Maybe be worth something.

Dan pulled on one of Phil's shirts and a pair of underwear before skipping out of the bedroom.

"Smells goo—" Dan stopped in his tracks in the kitchen. Helping Phil cook was none other than the girl who Dan had seen on his first day here. Phil's ex.

"You still have the neko!" Abby exclaimed, "Oh, he's such a cutie!"

Abby moved to pet Dan but Dan hissed and moved away. What was this chick doing? Why would Phil let her back in?

"Dan!" Phil scolded, "Be nice to Abbs."

Dan frowned, wincing slightly at the tone of Phil's voice. "Sorry," he mumbled.

Begrudgingly, he allowed Abby to run her hands over his ears and hair. Dan bit his lip. Why was she here? How was this possibly a good idea?

Finally, Abby went to to the restroom so Dan could confront the man he'd just slept with.

"Why is she here?" he asked, wishing to come off as annoyed but as usual his voice was small and hesitant.

"She showed up this morning. She was crying. Said she was sorry. Explained everything," Phil answered quietly. At Dan's look of skepticism he added gently, hand on Dan's shoulder, "She's not a bad person, Dan. I know her. Please give her a chance," he pleaded, stupid wide eyes winning Dan over.

"Okay. I...I'll give her a chance," Dan answered, excusing himself.

He walked into the guest room and couldn't help but be crushed. He wanted to mean more to Phil. Wanted to be... It was stupid for him to think so naively. Phil didn't want him. He would never.

He just let himself get his hopes up and now he was paying the consequences. Dan blamed his heat.

Things didn't immediately change too much. Abby and Phil slept in Phil's bedroom and Dan slept in the guest room. Sometimes he got afraid of the dark, sometimes he got cold and wanted Phil closer, but Dan stayed put. He never bothered the two.

Phil and Abby would go off to "work," and Dan would cook and clean like a little housemaid. They'd return home and Abby would passive aggressively make comments on Dan's food, sit between he and Phil, pet him a bit too hard.

Abby didn't like Dan; he could tell. But Dan would deal with it. The few moments he got where Phil would stroke his ears and mumble reassurances to him about the situation were worth it.

Nothing really dramatic happened, though, until Abby got home before Phil. She walked through the door and Dan smiled politely.

"Hello," he spoke quietly, "I made pasta."

"Oh great. Yet again," Abby spoke, heavily sarcastic.

"Sorry," Dan mumbled, sheepishly, "I'll try an get some different stuff next time Phil brings home cash."

"I don't get why he doesn't just sell your sorry ass," she spoke, surprising Dan. "We could make so much more than you're worth."

Dan flinched at the familiar words. Why was Abby being so mean?

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