Orbit My Heart part I

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scientist!phil engineer!dan

(not smutty, just normal gay sex
but the storyline is 👌👌👍👍⭐️⭐️⭐️)



Phil's mom always called him a night owl. He loved to stay up at night, looking at the stars and wondering how they got there, he liked to imagine that they were all suns for their own little bunch of plants. That every star had a story and sometimes he tried to create them himself.

He'd sit with his mom on nights she couldn't get him to go to bed and explain it all. "See that one mom?" he'd point out the window and she'd nod. "That one is called Sterek and he looks after the other 4 stars there, he's their cool big brother like Martyn is to me." She was amazed by his little 8 year old brain.

With his idea of every star being a sun surrounded by planets he imagined all the possibilities of worlds like and unlike his own. He was 13 when he learned that the universe was endless, and there are most likely stars that go on past what he could see from his bedroom window.

His mom thought it was cute, she bought him books on stars and the sky and she provided him with National Geographic magazines dedicated to searching beyond his planet. She even bought him a telescope so that he could see everything in the night sky that he was so fascinated by. She was his biggest encouragement, but eventually he stopped telling other people the stories of the stars and wrote it down for only himself to remember.

Every night was the same thing, he'd stay up till the early hours of the morning, he mapped out the stars he could see, connected the constellations and pondered what they were like, what their planets could be like, and how the people that were most likely out there would be.

He memorised the Big Dipper, Orion, Cassiopeia and the different planets he could see. His favorite was Jupiter. She was beautiful, she had a green tint to her, she was bigger than the rest, and she was absolutely amazing. The coolest part about Jupiter was all the moons that surrounded her. Lo, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. And when he could see her at night, those were the best nights.

People thought he was crazy. "Little Philly from Rochester wants to be an astrophysicist and work for NASA, that boy has big dreams" they'd say, but little did they know that with a dream and determination little Philly could one day reach the stars like he always wanted.

Becoming an astrophysicist included a lot of hard work. Phil had to have high grades in math and sciences, which meant countless nights studying and learning and discussing things with his teachers, but he was an amazing student. He joined the mathletes and could solve any problem in the blink of an eye.

His parents bought him a computer, which he spent most his time on learning about advanced physics, calculus and astronomy. All of which came in handy when he entered his AS classes. He ended up being top of his class and one of the most respected students. Not only was he smart, but Phil Lester was the kindest soul his school had ever been blessed with.

Phil's teachers reached out to the biggest universities in the world, telling them about how amazing their student was. Schools like MIT and Caltech were extremely interested in him. His average was a 4.26, and they imagined his SAT scores could be among the best they've ever seen, and sure enough they were.

Phil passed the SAT's with a 1592 and with the average for Caltech students being 1560, they were more than amazed. Phil was a genius and everyone wanted him.

University was some of the best years of Phil's life. He went to Caltech on a scholarship, did 4 years for his Bachelors in Astrophysics and then moved on to a 5 year doctorate course. In the summer months he did research papers, he studied the stars, he mapped them out, and he was even able to even have an internship at NASA to find some new ones.

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