Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Omega sits alone in his room preparing. His League of Assassins cloak wraps around his shoulders, giving the appearance of invisibility. He runs his sword over the whet stone, deep in thought. He thinks about the mission ahead. He thinks about the danger, and what he is willing to lose in order to win. Most of all, he thinks of Alpha.

Omega is honestly tired of the mission, but he holds on because of Alpha. He trusts her. Despite that, he can sense Alpha's change, however slight. He senses her fondness for the Team, and something inside him won't let him settle. He knows what it means for a member to betray the Assassin's. He knows Alpha would never, yet he finds himself wavering on that conclusion. The truth is, even with how well he knows Alpha, there are times when Alpha still confuses him. Like now. Why won't she just let him kill the Team. They have all of the info necessary, and though the Team is formidable, Alpha and Omega could easily overtake them. The only thing keeping his blade sheathed is Alpha. Alpha wouldn't really betray the Assassin's would she? Her father? No. Omega shakes his head physically. But what if? The "what if" works it's way into his mind, and as the whet stone glides along the blade, he finds himself wavering.

With a sharp hiss, he checks his hand. The blood is pooling in the palm of his hand.
How far is he willing to go for Alpha? With the question still in mind, he wraps a cloth around his hand. He stands, and pulls the hood over his head, and pulls a piece of fabric over his mouth, leaving only his eyes exposed. As he sheathes his blade, he leaves what little of his identity, not crushed by the League's training, behind, and becomes the weapon he was trained to be. For a brief moment, red eyes flash across his vision. He blinks though, and the image fades from view.


The three groups split off, soon Omega is riding alongside Superboy, and Aqualad. They make their approach from the eastern side while Robin and his team come up from the western flank.

Soon, the sounds of explosion fill the evening sky. Squadrons of star shaped ships spill from the guts of the mothership. Superboy hammers hard at the gas of his supposedly stolen alien motorcycle, and soon they have lift off.

When Superboy has first explained his flying bike, Omega had looked on in confusion. He had never heard of such a thing, and yet, here he sat on a flying bike.

Flak pummels hard against the two teams, but they stay the course, and before they no it, victory seems to be all but certain. Then everything goes wrong.

A stray shot lands on Superboy, and the boy of steel vanishes.

The alien vehicle that the two boys now sit on begins to careen around randomly as it loses altitude. Omega is the first to react, and climbs into the cockpit. He tries the gas, but nothing happens. He looks at Aqualad, and hesitates. He looks between Aqualad, and the ground. Coming to a decision, he hops over the side of bike, and extends his arms to either side.

"Not enough speed!" He thinks to himself. Panic builds, and his attention is drawn to his technique. Going into a full dive, he picks up speed fast. With the snap of his wrist, two leathery flaps extend from his arms to form a wing suit. He glides toward the mothership. He had done the calculation, and knew he could make it. To top it all off, he was now a smaller target. He looks back, and sees a ray obliterate Aqualad and the bike. Deep inside, Omega feels a twinge of guilt, but quickly compensated. Hardening his expression, he continues on.

He makes his entrance on a flight deck located on the side of the ship. He looks around as he skids to a stop. Nothing. No aliens. No ships. Only the eerie silence. He slips forward, careful of any noice that comes forward. Thankful of the hood over his head, he allows the folds of his robe to envelope him. He pushes forward like a wraith, until he comes across what looks like a pool of lava. The substance glows with a iridescence that is unearthly. For a moment, he is tempted to reach out, and touch it. Caution wins in the end, and he passes by.

Alpha and Omega: Book 1 of the Alpha and Omega TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now