Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to get this out. I'm not making any promises since I'm famous for not keeping up with them, but I plan on getting the next chapter out soon.

P.S.-Not much action in this chapter, setting it up for the next.

Chapter Thirteen

Kaila sits thinking in a chair, behind the table, in a corner of the giant cave. She's in the one place she can escape from the pitying looks of the others. Robin, Artemis, M'gann, and even Superboy all seemed to tip toe around her, as if one wrong move would shatter her. She doesn't blame them, but she wishes they would just be normal.

After sitting for what seems like minutes, she looks up at the clock mounted on the wall. Three hours. Suddenly, a small rumble sounds throughout the cave. She goes still, and after a moment, she continues to stare off into space. She enjoys the silence for a moment longer, before a louder, slightly longer tremble once again begins to make itself known.

This time, taking the warning, Kaila rises from the chair, and begins walking down the length of the cave.

Another rumble shakes the cavern, and this time shaking dust from the ceiling. Beginning to get worried, Kaila's normal walk turn into a nervous jog.


No answer.


An explosion sounds from overhead, and this time she screams.


Alpha spins at her name. "Meggie?"

Omega smiles at the nickname, relieved she is at least trying to get back to normal. "Yeah. Come on, we need to get out of here."

"What's happening?"

Omega shakes his head, as hey start running down the stone corridor toward the exit. "I don't know. I just woke up when I heard the shaking."

She smiles, "Glad you came back Meggie."

When she sees the small smile, she slyly slips in, "I knew you liked it."


"The name, Meggie."

He blushes slightly at her teasing. "Only because it's you saying it."

She blinks at his boldness, as the smile slips from her face.

They finally come to the central part of the cave where Robin is typing tediously at the Bat computer.

"Kaila? Omega? We need to get out of here."

Kaila speaks for the both of them, "Why?"

He looks back in panic, then presses a button on the computer.

A video feed fills the screen, and they see Superman with the rest of the Justice League fighting...

"Are those aliens?"

Kaila jumps, not realizing Wally was right behind her.

Robin nods, "Yeah, they just appeared a few minutes ago."

He begins typing again, only to zoom out. A gasp fills the room, as they see an alien fleet covering the sky.

Omega frowns, "How is this possible? Don't they build satellites for this stuff?"

Robin grits his teeth, "Satellites provide recon, not protection."

Superboy steps in. "Have they damaged anything yet?"

Alpha and Omega: Book 1 of the Alpha and Omega TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now