Danger - Part 2

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Bill's POV

'They... They're back. Did Will manage to break through my spell and regain his memories of them? Shit if that happens...' "Bill he's waking up." I came back into focus and threw all my attention towards Will. I could feel the threads of magic with his sealed memories being cut and torn away. I tried my best to temporarily reseal the memories but I know the spell won't hold for very long. Probably 5 minutes for the most. I can't keep casting it every five minutes. It'll drain my magic way too quickly. Will's eyes slowly fluttered open revealing his blue cat slit eyes. That not normal. Usually he has his normal human eyes. Oh no. Did... did he? He glared at me. "How dare you!! You tampered with my mind. You erased my fucking memories. Why??! Why did you do it? You could've told me our parents were dead. All this time you've been telling me they left and abandoned us. When in reality they were dead." I was shaking. Fear. Regret. Anger. Mostly anger. I never wanted him to find out this way. I wanted to be able to tell him myself face to face and be able to give him my reason. He was way too vulnerable to be exposed to something like that. We were only fucking 4. We hadn't even been alive a decade.


Will and I were so damn young. We were basically toddlers who due to being demons had learned and mastered walking and speech. We didn't understand much about the world though. Especially the nightmare realm. Our parents were Marcus and Aelin Cipher. They were two of the strongest and therefore most respected demons to ever exist. "Alright. Take care of yourselves and be sure to stay out of trouble. I'm looking at you Bill." My mom gave me a playful glare at which I just flashed a not so innocent smile. "I expect that you'll look out for Will at all costs considering he's so adorably shy and hasn't had a proper grasp on his magic abilities as you have. Therefore you are to be responsible for keeping both of you safe. We're putting all of our trust in you sweetie." I rolled my eyes, annoyed at my mom's nagging. "I get it jeez. We'll stay out of trouble and I'll take care of us. If we need you I'll just send mind link to both of you. Now can you please leave and stop pestering us with your overprotectiveness?" My dad let out a silent chuckle out of my mom's eyesight causing me to snicker and Will shyly smiled. Mom sighed and nodded. Before leaving she embraced me and my twin, planting a kiss on our cheeks (us being in human form and all). I jumped back, desperately trying to rid myself of the infectious act of affection. She laughed before looping arms with dad and saying another goodbye before they left, locking the door behind them. "Hey Will. What do you want to do while it's just us?" I knew he'd probably want to stay at home in order to escape any danger and I respected that. But it could be a bit boring with not much to do. "U-um. I d-don't k-know. A-anything is f-fine." I smirked as an idea popped into my head. "We should go to the human realm. I know this great place called Gravity Falls. It's filled with all kinds of weird shi- stuff that seem pretty cool." He looked a bit shocked but also kinda amused. "I-I don't know. W-what if s-something happens?" "It's cool if you don't want to. Just thought it'd be fu-" I was cut of by an unexpected mind link from our parents. I chuckled thinking it was just my paranoid mother checking to see if we were okay but I was so damn wrong. "BILL. I NEED YOU TO USE YOUR MAGIC TO GET YOURSELF AND WILL AS WELL AS ANY IMPORTANT NECESSITIES AND GO TO A PLACE CALLED REVERSE FALLS. YOUR FATHER AND I WILL MEET YOU THERE. KIDS. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. I LOVE YO-" The link was abruptly cut and I heard Will start to sob. I turned to see him shaking from absolute terror. "H-hey. Don't start crying. I'm sure it's alright. C'mon. Let's get our stuff. Use as much magic to get what you need and I'll take us to that place to meet mom and dad." He nodded shakily and soon we both had our stuff as well as some valuables our parents had in our underground safe. We stored everything in our magic pockets. (If you've seen Fairy Tail it's kinda like Erza's requip space) Will grabbed my hand and I took us to Reverse Falls. "Boys. Thank God." I cringed slightly and I also felt Will tense slightly at the use of the holy deity. "Pardon my use of words. But that doesn't matter. Listen. There is a demon in search of all the magic in the multiverse roaming the Nightmare Realm. He will stop at nothing till he achieves his goal. He would gladly take the lives of my precious boys just for a selfish quest. Disgusting wretched creature." My twin nodded in sync with me. By the look on her face I could tell there was more that she wanted to say. And it wasn't something she was looking forward to. "My boys. My beautiful children. The supreme being has requested that your father and I, beings of such high magical status, be placed against the power hungry demon.." She stopped speaking before his name so as not to summon him right before us and instead made the letters of his name in demon tongue sign language. (Basically letters of the demon alphabet) "Ţ Ř Ə § Ţ Ý Ğ Ų §" I was so sure I'd heard that name before. Or maybe read it in a book. But that isn't where my focus should be. I was pulled into an embrace along with Will. A kiss was planted on my forehead by both my parents and the same was done to Will. My forehead scrunched in confusion. Not only had I  never received a kiss to the forehead before and suddenly I do but also I felt a sudden surge of magic within me. By Will's slightly more terrified than usual look I could tell the same was happening to him. "What was tha-" A deafening explosion was heard a short distance away. My parents looked towards us and hugged us both one more time before whispering to us. "We love you both so much." Sad smiles on their faces as they released us before my father while having one hand wrapped around my mother snapped his fingers on the other opening a vortex to an unknown destination. I could tell that he wanted us to leave. It would close as soon as we successfully ended up on the other side. Their faces were streaked with tears as they turned towards the incoming danger. I forcefully tugged Will towards the portal, surprised that he was strong enough to resist this much. We were halfway through when a nightmare became reality. Blinding light filled the entire area, a light that shouldn't have allowed anyone to see anything, but we saw not only the enemy disintegrate into nothing but the smiling, crying faces of our parents disintegrating with it. Their mouths moving in a final "We love you." For the first time in my life tears were streaming down my face. Will was already bawling, yelling out for them to come back. I used all my might to take him into the portal. Take him into a new world. Take him away from everything we'd ever known.

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