Come back

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Will's POV

My date with y/n went so well. I'm pretty sure she had fun due to all the smiles and laughs she gave me. She just wouldn't stop. I'm glad she didn't though. I've missed seeing her beautiful smile that lights up my life. But now to more pressing matters. I teleported to my house where I found the Gravity Falls members of the Cipher wheel along with the Gleeful twins.

Timeskip to his house~

"Will. Where have you been? We've all been waiting for who knows how long for you to give us a signal to commence our plan." I never did tell them to call it off. I mean how would I even sound while doing it. 'Hey guys. We should call off the plan to rescue y/n because she wants to stay. She doesn't want to leave with us and I'm pretty sure she won't visit?' Bull fucking shit. They'd kill me as soon as I got to 'call off the plan.' Sigh. Let's just get it over with then. "Mabels, Dippers, everyone I need to speak with you all so please go to the living room." It took a while but eventually they all came down. "I have an update on our current rescue mission.........I'm calling it off." Silence rang through. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Expected. "You can't possibly expect us to not rescue our cousin. Are you going fucking insane? Is Bill controlling your mind?" After that sentence guards went up and others backed away. "No he's not controlling my mind. I'm completely me. My reasoning behind my statement is y/n doesn't want to leave. Therefore as her friends and or family you should respect her decision." "Are you crazy? You want me to just sit here and take your talks when I'm most likely never going to see my little cousin again." I thought about that for a good bit. "Well maybe we can arrange a way for y'all to meet. But that's her decision not mine." Mabel left the room going upstairs, most likely to the room I gave her. Dipper looked at me, signalling with a slight nod of his head to go with him to the kitchen while the others stayed contemplating the info I just gave. "Will what exactly is going on? Why doesn't y/n want to go back with us?" I looked at him blankly then sighed heavily. "Honestly, that's not my business to share. I'll take you all to see her later today so be prepared for it." He nodded slowly, going his way, most likely to his sister, as I went back to Bill's mansion.

Bill's POV

I'm so bored. Will left a while ago. Most likely to meet those kids who are trying to 'rescue' y/n. Even the if it was a rescue it wouldn't work. You can only leave this house under your own will. No force or magic can change that. And it's so clear that y/n doesn't even want to leave. 'Wait a minute. Where is y/n anyway?' I floated up the stairs lazily, in triangular form, and went up to her room. "Hey y/n you in there? Can I come in?" I heard a feint reply bit I couldn't tell what it was. I just took it as a yes and barged into the room only to be met by a sight I could never imagine. Well.....maybe I could. It was y/n but she was.......................

Y/n's POV

It was a really hot evening here in the nightmare realm. I hadn't developed the ability to adjust my body temperature to counter other weather conditions. I really needed to learn that soon or else I'm gonna boil or freeze to death in this place. I went into the bathroom of my room, undressed and stepped into the shower. I stayed under the cold water for a good 15 minutes just to stay cool. When I came out, I went over to my wardrobe to find clothes to wear in this heat. I put on my underwear and bra before slipping on a white, one shoulder crop top with a studded black heart in the middle, along with white short shorts and normal blue flip flops.(I suck at describing clothes if you hadn't noticed). I heard Bill calling me asking to come in. Since I was fully clothed I told him to come in. Not too long after he barged into my room in triangular form, staring at me with big ass fish eyes. I tilted my head in confusion. A slight pinkness came over his yellow body but quickly faded away. "Umm. What did you want Bill? Is it important?" I started drying my dripping wet hair with a blow dryer I conjured up. "O-oh. No no its just I was looking for you. I like your um outfit by the way. It's cute on you." It was now my turn to blush. 'He thinks I'm cute?' "Thank you. Oh right. Why are you in this form?" His eyes darkened. "I have a meeting later with about 2 or 3 other demons. Here. At this house." I looked at him. I figured he was just worried for my safety so I reassured him. "Bill I'll be fine if that's what you're so worried about. I can protect myself. Plus, you'll be there for me as my Demon in golden armor." I laughed at my weirdness which I was proud of as I noticed that he turned pink again making me chuckle a bit more. I went closer to him and kissed him softly on his closed eyelid since in this form it acts as his mouth. His body turned to a bright pink while I fell to the floor laughing my ass off. "S-shut up. it's not funny." "Okay okay I'll stop." Giggles were still present in my voice. "It was really funny though." He rolled his eye but seemed to be smiling while doing so. "So what do we do now?" He thought it over as his eyes roamed my room. His entire demeanour darkened when he landed on my clock. "Hey what's wro-" "BILL WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? WE'VE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR 10 MINUTES!!!" He quickly grabbed my hand and, literally, flew down the stairs with me holding on. There were two demons besides Bill and myself now. A red, female Demon dressed in a flaming red dress which had a very deep dip at the neckline showing off most of her large chest. The dress had slits running up both thighs and ended at her shins. She was honestly stunning. The more I looked at her, I felt quite self concious. Talking to her was a monochrome (black and white) Demon who wore a black tux with a white rose. He seemed to be flirting with her, though she looked really bored and, frankly, uninterested. Bill spoke getting their attentions. "I'm here so let's get this thing over and done with." His face held a sour, unimpressed expression. The female came over to Bill and practically threw herself all over him. 'Am I fucking invisible to females or something? Bitch I'm right fucking here. He's mine.'  Bill turned his body to me and seemed to smirk with his eye making me realise he was reading my mind.

Love Me, Love Me Not (Will x Reader x Bill fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now