William vs William

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Will's POV

I already knew that they left to carry out their sexual acts. To be very honest, though I was a bit jealous, I wasn't as much as I thought I would be. I know he loves her but so do I so expect a share to be happening. 'I hope they at least showered after their dirty deed because we need to leave in 30 minutes.' I guess they were in range of my thoughts because they turned up, clean and fully dressed. Bill and I matched again. Must be a secret twin sense. I wore a blue button down shirt which had our usual brick pattern running at the bottom and at the end of the sleeves which ended at my elbows as well as a plain black dress pants and black shoes. Bill wore the exact same thing except his shirt was yellowish gold. Then there was y/n. She was wearing an F/c dress that went just below her knees. The midsection of it had an intricate blue and gold design and blended well with the colour of the dress. The end of the dress had our black brick pattern which didn't surprise me too much. Her hair was swept up into a bun with curly strands running down both sides of her face (Lucy Heartfilia style) as well as a touch makeup which was basically just lipgloss. Her shoes were white ballet flats and she looked stunning altogether. "I guess we're ready to go then?" Nods were passed and we waited for y/n to teleport away before following right after. At the end, we found a nice house in front of us that showed signs of bones scattered around and a distinct smell of spaghetti sauce. Must be the place then. We walked up to the porch and, before I even raised my hand to knock on the door, it flew open to reveal the tall hyperactive Skelton. "WOWEE YOU GUYS ARE EARLY. COME ON INSIDE AND TAKE SEAT IN THE LIVING ROOM. THE SPAGHETTI IS ALMOST FINISHED AND SANS SHOULD BE RETURNING FROM WORK SOO-" He was cut off by a sound from upstairs. "SANS IS THAT YOU?" Yeah bro." "WELL HURRY UP. OUR GUESTS ARE HERE." More shuffling was heard upstairs and a lot more bangs. We were led to a room with a few couches around a pretty long table. Bill and I sat together on a seat meant for three and y/n next to us on to my right on another one meant to hold two. There were two more chairs so there was space for the skeletons to sit. While we waited, y/n and I spoke while Bill conjured up his phone and started a call with someone. He excused himself and went outside to continue in privacy. "So...you and Bill finally did it?" Her face turned a cute shade of pink that caused me to chuckle. "It's fine y/n. As long as you love me just as much as you love him." She flashed me smile with those pearly white teeth. "Of course I do. Aslong as you guys get along and love me back just as much." "Trust me. We love you a whole lot more." "DINNER IS FINISHED." Coincidentally, Bill's phone call finished at the same time as he came back in. Then came Papyrus who was balancing all five plates with amazing skill. "SANS PLEASE HURRY UP. WE'RE ABOUT TO EAT WITHOUT YOU."  The sound of a door then footsteps came and Sans was soon seated. The only downside was HE SAT NEXT TO Y/N. 'There's literally another empty couch that you could stay in. But noooo of course you decide to sit next to my....' I looked over at Bill. 'OUR Y/N.' I felt rage course through me. I just wanted to punch him in his jugular but it probably wouldn't do me any good and will most likely lead to me ending up with a broken knuckle or two....or all. I wonder if I can even punch a person that hard. I mean..yeah I did train for a while in order to toughen up to try to defeat Bill of our rescue mission for y/n. But after that and the whole agreement we made to share her, I never bothered to continue working with it. I mean yeah my physical strength is kinda good and my magic power has increased by life 43% getting me to 45% but that's only like9 approximately 5% of half of Bill's 0.09 Sighhhhhhhh. 'I should give up on trying to be able to protect y/n. I obviously can't. I'm too weak.' . Y/n looked at me a reassuring smile.

Will. Everything is going to be fine. I believe in you. We'll get stronger together and protect each other.

Thanks n/n.

Sans looked from me to y/n as we started at each other intently. "Um. Is there a staring contest that I didn't know about going on?" Y/n laughed before answering, still lightly giggling. "No. We're just talking." His face morphed into one of confusion but that creepy smile remained. "Magic. Remember? We can communicate privately through telepathy." "So you're keeping secrets huh?" I snapped at him. "It's a family discussion.

Bro. You tell him.

You guys are so dumb

Y/n he's obviously hitting on you.

Guys relax. Please. He's just my friend. You know very well that I only love the both of you

You'd better stick to your word Missy. Or else youre getting double punishment from me and Will. Well...maybe mostly me. Will can't really stand hurting you.

I unconsciously nodded causing the skeletons to look at me like I was crazy. "Um guys. We don't mean to interrupt but Pap asked if you guys would like to stay the night?" "NYEH HEH HEH YESSS. THATS RIGHT. WE CAN HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY!!" I wanted to decline any offer that involved y/n staying anywhere too close to that smiling-skeley but she already got up, enthusiastically shaking her head yes and jumping up and down in a circle while holding hands with Papyrus. They were giggling like anime highschool girls who had just been asked on a date by their 'senpai'. Bill sighed with annoyance while I just rolled my eyes. "Guess we're staying then huh?" I asked with absolutely no enthusiasm in my words. "Yes. Yes we are. It's gonna be soooo funnn." "Hey y/n. There's an extra bed in my room and two in Pap's since our other friends spend alot of nights here. You wanna stay there?" She visibly thought about it. "Yeah sure. But only if they're okay with it." As she said that I could've sworn I saw his permanent smiles somehow falter but it came back just as quickly. "Well yeah I guess that makes sense. Older brothers can be quite protective. I should know because I am one heh heh." "Yeah. So..are you guys okay with it or do you want me to stay with you?" "Um..." Was our simultaneous reply. We looked at each other and it was obvious neither of us wanted her with him. She knew that. "Well. Y/n. We say do whatever makes you happy." It wasn't on purpose, but it was only after it came out of my mouth did I realize I'd called her by her actual name instead of the nickname I gave her. And she realized that as we because her smile vanished. "I guess I'll stay with Sans then." "Cool," said Skele said, obviously clueless of the tension. "I'll show you to the room then." And they left with him taking her hand and gently tugging her after him up the stairs to his bedroom. Where they would be sleeping.  Alone. I could feel that Bill was pissed since we were linked. Our links aren't as strong with y/n as they are with each other since we're blood related but I could still feel that she was a bit sad but mostly happy. And that was all that matters to keep us happy. We followed Papyrus to his room. In the middle was a red, car-shaped bed with two beds of the same kind but different colours on the other side. A wave of unease washed over me but, oddly, it wasn't mine nor Bill's. I guess we had the same reaction as we both teleported to outside Sans' room where y/n was and listened in. "So you see y/n. I really like you. You're beautiful, fun to be around and smart so can't get enough of you. Please tell me honestly if you return my feelings." "I-I....I. Sans I-" Bill and I slammed the door open. The front of his blue hoodie was snatched up in a hand and he was hoisted up which, to him, was a long way down. "Back the fuck off. She's not yours. She doesn't love you. So leave her the fuck alone. Got that asshole?"

Wow. Just...wow. Yeah I just had to add a bit of drama. Oh I'm sorry. Did you expect things to be smooth sailings? Hahaha no. This..is only the beginning. I'm stopping with my word counts but all chapters will be 1500+ words so no need to worry. I've decided that I'll add Fridays to the days for updates so Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sooooooooo see youuuuuuu Fridayyyyyyyyy. And until the remember

Love Me, Love Me Not (Will x Reader x Bill fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now