Gravity Falls

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Rev Dipper's POV

"What the?" I was looking at..myself? And an oddly more colourful version of Mabel? "I'm guessing that we're here?" I heard Mabel "Yeah we are. It looked the same. The people here have the same face as the people back home but they're.....different. They don't even dress the same way. LOOK AT SOOS" I screeched the last sentence as I pointed to a large hairless gopher man. "Um I'm just gonna come out and say this okay? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE AND WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE US??" I looked at the other Mabel and answered "I am Dipper and this is my twin sister Mabel. We're the Gleeful twins also known as the Telepathy twins back in our home dimension Reverse Falls. This is our sla... I-I mean..partner Will. He is a dream demon. You have no need to fear him as you do Bill but we are in grave need of your help." "OK ok. Jeez you gave that explanation so quickly. But thank goodness Mabel is here." Grav Dipper turned to his twin "translate please." She gave him a slower version of every word I said in exact order. I marveled at this but shook my head to focus on the problem at hand. "So what exactly do you need our help with anyways?" "Bill took our little cousin." "WHAT??? Why would he take her? What's her name?" "Y/n and we don't know why he took her" I took a glance at Will. He looked he like he was in so much pain just from hearing the sound of her name. I felt sorry for him. I won't lie I miss her a lot and so does Mabel but Will and y/n are lovers. Of course his heartache would he more serious. Why do I even care about him?  Is it because he made y/n happy? Yeah I think that's it. I just hope we find her After that entire self convo I noticed Will was looking at me. I looked at him as well and he nodded. I guess he read my thoughts I nodded back. "But we've come up with a plan to get her back but we need your help plus the people of this dimension." "What do we have to do?"

Bill's POV

"Ugh haha pain is just too hilarious!" I cackled in my demon voice as y/n practiced her magic on me. I don't want to admit it but she's already become so good in the past few weeks. I wonder what those twins and my bro are doing right now. "Hey Bill let's take a break for 10 minutes." "Sure Star. You feeling tired already?" "Wha..oh no its not that. I was just wondering. Why did you bring me here again? Why did you have to take me from Will?" I understood what she was talking about. She misses him. Every time she goes to visit him he isn't around so she just gave up on going entirely. "Look Star. The reason I kept you here is because I...I...I'm in love with you okay? I'm a dream demon who's confessing to you that I love you y/n Gleeful. Ever since you moved to Reverse Falls I've been watching you, taking in your every movement, wanting you.....needing you." "Bill..." I cut her off quickly "I'll just take you back to crybaby. He'll be overjoyed to see you again but Star please don't be mad at....." I was cut off by something warm and soft connecting with my lips. I realised it was y/n who was kissing me to shut me up. "From all the time that I've been spending I've realized that I love you as well Bill but I'm also in love with Will. I'm sorry that I can't chose. You're both such amazing, talented, loving guys. Wow I just called THE Bill Cipher a loving guy. Just Wow. But anyway you both mean so much to me and I can't think of letting either one of you" I wrapped my arms around her protectively. I never wanted her to leave me. I wanted her close to me 24/7. "Hey star," I looked down at the y/h (your height), beautiful, amazing girl who was hugging my waist in a seizing way, "I love you" Did I really just admit to star that I love her "Yeah you did Bill. And I love you too."  We went inside only to come face to face with another demon.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Will's POV

The Gleefuls and I followed the Pines twins as we searched for the people of the cipher wheel. So far we'd found Question Mark, Glasses, Sixer, Fez, Ice and Llama. Plus we already had Pinetree and Shooting Star so that's helpful. We followed Ice..urm Wendy to find that emo kid Robbie as he was the Broken Heart. Last person we had to find now was Gideon Gleeful. "To the Tent of Telepathy. He's most likely there." As GDipper said this is twin made a face of utter disgust. "I'm not going with you guys. Sorry but I'm not facing that psychopathic child ever again." She turned away with her arms crossed and her back towards us. "But aren't you right next to him on the cipher wheel?" "Uhhh.....shit. Fine I'll go. But I'm not talking to him." We set off to find the horror child.

Timeskip to after they get everyone brought to you by Gaara trying to kill Kankuro for messing with reader-chan

"We need to get to the mindscape. Will?" Everyone looked at me but I wasn't paying any attention. All I could think about was y/n and how much I missed her. "WILLLLLL!!!!" "Huh. Oh sorry. What did you say?" "We need to get to the mindscape but not too close to Bill. We need to draw the wheel first." I snapped my fingers and we were in the mindscape. We were in my house which I made after life with Bill got too hard. "Wow where are we?" "You're in my old house before I moved in with y/n." "How is it so clean after all that time? At first I thought you just made it but...." "Well magic of course. This place is magic in a physical form. Everything here runs on magic so be careful. If you need to go anywhere ask me first so I can take you there. This place is the home of demons and all things evil so watch your backs." "Ok guys. Let's review the plan. Will will lure Bill to the decided place by becoming evil but he'll actually become evil to make it more realistic. That is once me and Mabel teach him how of course." RDipper smirked sinisterly. "When he comes hell most likely bring y/n. If he doesn't then we'll distract Bill while Will takes her to a place Bill can never find. Will will come back, lure Bill into the wheel without him noticing and we'll banish him. Good?" A chorus of yes's sounded throughout the room as everyone smiled. Except for the one who was just too worried about his lover's safety.

How was that? Jeez I've been gone for so long. What year is this? Lol. My phone got destroyed so now I  got a new oneeee. Psst it's a tablet. Anyways word count was..... 1226. Yippee. Well I have lessons now. Laterz Star and remember

Love Me, Love Me Not (Will x Reader x Bill fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt