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Your POV
I was walking through the town of Reverse Falls towards the supermarket to stock up on food supplies. I arrived, got a cart and walked down the aisles of the store. I should introduce myself. My name is (y/n) Gleeful and I'm 16 years old. My parents are wealthy doctors who were always too busy to take care of me so I moved away. I'm also the cousin of Dipper and Mabel Gleeful who are also very rich and very spoiled. They are commonly known as the Telepathy Twins since they did magic and tricks of all sorts at the venue 'The Tent of Telepathy'.

To tell the truth, I've never really disliked my cousins nor did they dislike me. Mabel was a force to reckon with. Some might say that she is a bit of a sadist and by some I mean me.  I'll explain what I mean later on. Dipper was not too far from Mabel in the sadistic contest coming in at a close second but Mabel always seemed to have a sort of control over people including her twin brother. As I passed the tent on my way home, I saw dearest Mabel conversing with Dipper. Speak of the devils.

"Hey y/n my favorite little cousin. How are you. I haven't seen you in forever. What have you been up to lately", she greeted smiling.

"Oh you know, living on my own and stuff. I'm good. How about you guys. How's the show"

"It's great. Speaking of which I don't really remember seeing you at any of them." Dipper said. He snapped his fingers and suddenly, out of nowhere, a sky blue ticket appeared in my hands.

"Wow. Cool trick Dip."

"Thanks but you can see much more than that if you come tonight. Also that ticket gives you access to all of our shows, best seats, backstage, parties and events held by yours truly so please try not to lose it. People would literally kill anyone to get their grubby hands on one of these." They both chuckle ominously at the last part.

"OK then. I guess I'll see you both later"and with that I walked away. I was so lost in thought about my cousins I didn't notice that I was already at my house and staring at the locked door. I unlocked the door, went in with my groceries and started storing them in the cupboard and fridge. I looked at the  clock in the kitchen and saw that it was 6 'o clock and the show starts at 7. I picked out an outfit which was a blue crop top with a skirt which was a darker shade of blue. I went into the bathroom, took a ten minute shower and washed my h/l, h/c hair.

When I was finished, I grabbed the f/c towel that was hung up and wrapped it around my body while using a smaller f/c towel to wrap my hair. I dried off, blow dried and styled my hair in a h/s style, and changed into my outfit. I picked out a blue and white jacket to put on and a black and blue ballet shoe flats. I checked my reflection in the mirror and was satisfied. I happily left after grabbing my f/c purse and locking all the doors, windows and anything else that could be opened. When I reached the Tent of Telepathy, I saw a slim man with slick back hair in a tuxedo guarding the entrance and taking tickets. I lined up at the back and waited for the line to move up.

"Can I have your ticket please" he asked me since I was now at the front.

"Um sure"I took it out of my purse and showed it to him but I didn't hand it over.

"Can I have it. I need to make sure it's authentic" he said narrowing his eyes. At that moment, Mabel came out and saw my dilemma.

"Soos relax. This is my little cousin y/n. Dipper and I have her the ticket earlier today so you can let her in." Without replying, Soos let me in.

"Sorry I gotta go but the show is gonna start in 2 minutes. You can come see us after the show backstage. Bye y/n."

"You too. And I can't wait to see the show" We both grinned as she speed walked away. I hurried to find my seat and saw that it was reserved just for me. As I sat down on the velvet soft chair, the show began. The show was amazing. When Mabel did her levitation trick and flew over to crowd, she flew towards me, smiled and extended her hand for me to take. I was a bit hesitant but I took hold of her hand. The next thing I knew, I was flying with her. She then let me go and I was flying on my own. The crowd roared in applause at the spectacle. They didn't die down even after 5 minutes had passed.

"Everyone, we have an announcement to make. This girl here is y/n Gleeful, our cousin, and my brother Dipper and I have a proposition for her. We would like to change from being the Telepathy Twins to becoming the Telepathy Triplets. And we'd like to keep it in the family. So y/n.... We would like you to be the triplet of our show. Do you accept our offer"

"Yes I do accept." The crowd went wild as the three of us did the tricks and illusions although the twins were better since they were accustomed to it. When the show was over, Dipper teleported us backstage. "Since you are now joining the act, we must give you this."What is this. Its really pretty but what kind of gem is that. I've never seen anything like it." She handed me a golden bracelet with a blue gem in the middle.

"Do you want to know how we do our tricks"

"Yes I do. How did you not use wires to hold you in the air."

"Follow us if you really want to find out" I followed them down a flight of stairs and into a strange room. Inside the room I saw........ A Blue Dorito????


Sorry for the cliffhanger. Word count ~1050(I think) yayyyyy. Remember to comment, feedback, vote, share and like

~Does Snoopy Happy Dance :)💖💖💖💖💖💖

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