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Still Your POV
I woke up an hour later and decided to eat. I've got an hour left so what should I do. Maybe I could practice my magic. I wonder if I can teleport objects. I imagined the lamp in the living room appearing in Dipper's room surrounded by a blue aura. The next minute it was gone. "MABEL. WHY DID YOU TELEPORT THIS LAMP HERE." I teleported myself to Dipper's room without a second thought. When I was in his room, I saw Dipper without a shirt and only in his boxers and holding the lamp. "Gaahhh I'm so sorry Dipper. I only teleported here to tell you that I'm the one who sent the lamp here" I hurriedly replied shielding my eyes while looking away. "Bwahahaha it's fine y/n. We are family after all. It's not like you won't see a guys body in the future. Hopefully I will approve of that guy." He grinned. I turned to look at him and couldn't help but blush. Daaaayyyyuuuummmm my cousin is hawt. Look at dem biceps. Dem abs though. "Um y/n. Take a picture it'll last longer." I suddenly got a nosebleed and fainted. "Jeez I look good but not that good." I couldn't help but smile. "I've got a session with you in 15 minutes Dip. So hurry up and get ready." "Fine.......are you gonna watch me bathe or what." I blushed and immediately teleported back to my room. I could still hear his laughter from down the hall as it echoed. I teleported back to the training area and continued practicing while Will supervised. By supervised I mean he either watched or was my test subject. "Will, what kind of other powers do I have. I wanna practice them so we can finish earlier." "Well there's Conjuring, Earth control, Fire control, Air control, Water control, Healing, Blood control, Possession and Emotion control." "Wow. I better get practicing if I ever wanna finish." I decided to start with Conjuring. I thought about an Asterion Horse. I imagined it appearing next to me in a flash of blue light. A few seconds later, it appeared. I sent it back and kept on conjuring different objects and animals. "Will, am I able to make people come to me from inside." "Um yes you can but if requires alot of concentration. You could be thinking of Dipper at one minute and a second after you could think of Mabel. If you somehow think of them at the same time there could be consequences." "Like what?" "Well you could accidentally make them fuse into one person." I decided to try it and the next thing I knew, both Mabel and Dipper, fully clothed of course and not fused into one....thing appeared. They were of course quite shocked. "Y/n, how did you do that. We didn't teach you that." "I know. Will taught me" They both turned to Will who looked scared. "Guys please don't hurt him. He was only being helpful because I asked him about the different types of powers this bracelet has." "Alright fine. Since you have mastered the tricks we do on stage, your training will stop until further notice. So please go inside." I took Will's hand and I teleported him to my room. "I can help you practice the other things another time." "Thank you for everything Will. I wanted to do you a favour. You said that you can't use magic without the permission of someone wearing the gem. Does it apply to your deal. Can the deal be broken by someone wearing the gem as well." "A-actually y-yes." "Alright Will. I officially release you from this deal." He held out his hand and I shook it. The next instant, we were at my house/mansion. "What would you say about living here. It has 3 master bedrooms, 4 guest rooms which are also all master bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, an entertainment room, a dining room, a living room, an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, a balcony with a lovely view and best of all, no Gleeful twins. Do you want to live here with me?" "Yes. That would be so kind of you." We hugged. "Go ahead and choose your room. It's 9 p.m so we should get ready for bed. Goodnight Will." I was turning away to head to my room until Will grabbed my hand, pulled me towards and placed his lips on mine. It was a passionate kiss and I soon melted into it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held on to my waist. I never wanted it to end but sadly, I had to breathe. We separated with me breathing heavily. "I'm sorry. It's just that I like you alot and I was afraid you wouldn't like me back and then you would kick me out and leave me alone outside and hate me and never care for me and......" I cut him off by kissing him. When I pulled away he looked dazed. "I do feel the same way. I y/n Gleeful love you Will Cipher and nothing will ever change that. I hugged him and we buried his face in my shoulder. "Let's go to sleep. Y-you can sleep with m-me tonight if you want. Then you can pick a r-room tomorrow." I can't stop blushing. "O-okay. Where do you sleep?" I showed him to my room upstairs. It was a lovely shade of blue with a few pink and purple flower designs. "Your room is beautiful." "Thx blue boy. I'm gonna go shower now." I left to shower with my phone blasting music and me singing along. Just then, Side to side ~ Ariana Grande and Nikki Minaj started playing. I started singing
These friends
Keep talking way to much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them though
Cause I
I've been there all night
I've been there all day
And now, you for me walking aide to side until I noticed Will looking at me while sitting on the counter. "WILL WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE" "I didn't want to be left alone so I came in here." "You can't just do that. At least warn me first." He hung his head. "J-just close your eyes. If you want to stay then close your eyes and face the other way" my ears were burning. He did as I told and I finished my bath. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out with Will trailing behind me. Suddenly I was pinned to the wall and felt a soft warmth on my lips

I'm sorry about this but cliffy. Word count ~ 1116 yayyyyy. I'm working on it. I'm thinking of putting the lemony part in the next chapter. Yip I'm gonna do it. If you want to read it you will have to follow me first since I don't want any unwanted eyes looking😠😁😃😄 bye bye💖💖💖💖💖

Love Me, Love Me Not (Will x Reader x Bill fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora