I can't decide

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Y/n's POV

I sat in my room pondering on what was on my back moments ago.

Flashback to like 3seconds ago
I stared at my back in the mirror and saw flashing images of Bill. The sight of him causing such mayhem and destruction was heartbreaking. After a few seconds the wheel glowed gold and f/c with a hint of blue and vanished as though it never existed.
End of flashback

As I looked again into the mirror I saw that where the wheel was a few moments ago, a new image stood in its place. It was an f/c star. On either side of it were two Cresent moons, one golden and the other blue. (🌜🌟🌛like this but the one on the right is blue and the star is f/c)
It was actually quite beautiful but I realized that somewhere deep inside me I knew what it meant. I was the star. The moons were Will and Bill. My thoughts become a bit more preoccupied when I thought about them. I was a bit sad as I hadn't seen Will in so long but I was also flustered that I might have feelings for Bill. 'Despite that wheel he's really sweet and such a gentleman. I'm in love with both of them. How do I tell Bill? He shouldn't find out by reading my mind. No. I gotta tell him face to face. When though? Maybe tonight at dinner. Yes perfect. I need clothes for this.' I finally stopped talking to myselfand hurriedly raided my room to find the perfect dress. I finally did. It was a black ankle length dress which had a slit running down the side from the waist down. It had a beautiful  golden buckle around the waist. The top of the dress had a slightly deep dip which slightly revealed my cleavage but not too much. The back of the dress was open causing it to reveal the clip of my bra but it also allowed for me too not become overheated. It was stunning to say the least. The shoes I were black 2 inch heels as I could walk in nothing higher and my hair was neatly put into a h/s style. I wasn't a huge fan of makeup because I knew I was already beautiful so I just put on some lip gloss.

(Reader-chan if you don't believe you're beautiful well you better start because you are. Cherish your beauty and let no one bring you down)😌

I went downstairs only to be greeted by Bill himself. Said Demon was wearing his usual attire except his tail coat was replaced by a tux of the same golden colour and the bottom of it had the black brick pattern, his signature style. He looked so cute. "Good evening Star. You look........beautiful. Like an actual star." I blushed from his compliment. "You look handsome yourself Bill." He chuckled at my nervousness. He took my hand in his and led me to the dining room where the lights were dim and the only lights were candles which were lit in various parts of the room. It set a really romantic atmosphere. Maybe too romantic. "You okay? You seem jittery." "I'm fine. Just admiring all that you set up to make this perfect." He smiled warmly and pulled out my seat. After I was seated, he pushed my chair in and took his own seat. "What do you feel like eating?" "F/f would be perfect." He nodded and snapped his fingers. Immediately two plates of f/f and two wine glasses filled with sparkling wine. After we ate, we went outside for a stroll where we talked and learned more about each other. It was really fun and I loved every minute of it. "Hey Bill?" "Yeah?" "Did you have fun tonight?" "Well yeah. Oh I have one more place I would absolutely love to take you." "Where would that be?" "Well there's a demon fair happening in like 30 minutes so you wanna go?" "Sure. Sounds like fun." He teleported us to the Demon Fair. I thought it was going to be happy key a normal human fair but man was I wrong. There were no line, the games were those of torture, there were eyeballs which eerily reminded me of a humans's and everything was plain mayhem. "Umm. Bill? What the heck is going on?" "Demon fair. Hehe. Bet you expected it to be like those on earth huh?" I nodded silently. "Well the food is normal so don't worry. There are some rides but they're meant to scare the utter shit out of you. The games...don't go near them. Don't drink anything that's red. Or yellow..... or black. Anyways let's just go on a ride. The least scary one is over there." He pointed to a ride which was a two seater ride that led into a creepy house. A sudden chill went up my spine as he pulled me along. We were in and the ride started moving. Into the house we went and the first thing I met was a m/f/o ).(most feared object) I screamed bloody murder and literally attacked it with nonstop magic until Bill finally stopped me. "HEY HEY CHILL. IT'S OKAY. It's okay y/n. These things don't attack unless it's daytime. And right now it's night. So calm down." I settled down, still shivering like a leaf in a storm. "You got scared pretty bad huh." "T-that was just the thing I feared the most." "Oh. I  didn't know. I'm sorry. I swear there are no more of them but if you want we can just call it a night." "Yeah. That'd be great." He teleported us home. 'I want to tell him. But how? Hey Bill I love you but I also love Will and I can't decide who I love more? Hell no......Bill I've finally come to love you but Will still holds a place in my heart? Maybe. You and Will are the most treasured people in my heart and I can't bear to lose either of you. I love you both and I always will.? Yeah I can work with that.' "Hey Bill." "Don't bother saying it. I already heard it." "Huh? Wait. Did you read my mind????" "Yh. Sorry but I can't help it." He laughed as I puffed my cheeks out in annoyance. He looked at me for a few seconds, stopped laughing and just started blushing madly. 'Cute little basted. No wonder I fell for him' "so you fell for me huh Star." "S-shut up." I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Well goodnight Star." "Wait!" He turned around to face me "What? What's wro mph" His sentence was cut short as I kissed his lips quickly but sweetly.  "G-goodnight" I said and teleported before he could react. I put something around the room to block him from entering. I changed out of my clothes and into my sleep wear still blushing. As I fell asleep all I thought about was Bill.

Will's POV

"Everyone ready to leave?" I had to make sure everyone was clear on everything. They all nodded. "Then let's go." We went out into the dreamscape. It was just a black and white void. Though the inside of the houses were coloured, everything outside was white, black and grey. "Be careful near other demons. Don't get too far away from me because if your not with me, you die. Stay close and keep track of each other. Common this way." We walked to different areas stopping once in a while to review our maps. We finally made it to the house after about 30 minutes. "Okay so the plan. Will remember that you're evil and all you want is pain, mayhem chaos and destruction. Don't let anyone, not even y/n see through your facade because Bill will read her mind. Got it?" I nodded my head. "Alright. Get in there. And good luck." I made my face emotionless and entered Bill's house. In 2 minutes he was down to see who was there. "Well well well if it isn't the little crybaby of a brother I have. I thought you said you'd never step foot in this, What'd you call it again? Ah yes. You said it was a, house of torture. Hahaha. What brings you to this nick of the woods anyway?" I had to stand up to him to show and prove that I could be, that I wanted to be stronger. "None of your business." He looked shocked then a smile graced his face. "Looks like someone's finally showing some backbone. I must say I thought you were a hopeless case but I guess I was wrong." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Bill. I just wanted to know if I could stay for like two days then I'll leave. I don't wanna ruin your precious time with y/n" I said, my words soaked and dripping with venom and sarcasm. His smile widened and I saw what seemed to be pride flash in his eyes. "Ah Will. I've waited for the day you'd be able to talk to me without acting like a little wet blanket. Sure you can stay. No funny business though." I nodded and went to upstairs to my old room. Suddenly y/n was standing in the middle of the room looking at me. "W-will?" "Yeah. What?" I said it a bit harshly. I felt no remorse for how I was acting. In reality I actually quite liked it. It gives a bit of a rush. "Why are you here?" She asked me. I just stared at her blankly. I knew that Bill was no doubt listening so I replied coldly. "Why don't you just mind your own business and go back to your room. I don't want you here." She looked shocked and just left. I have never felt this alive. I've never been able to stand up for myself because I was scared of everybody. But now I felt like I could do anything I wanted. So I did.

Wowie. Will is having a big character change. He's so sassy and uncaring. The power has gone to his cute little head. Word count issssssss ~ 1706. New chapter will be posted tomorrow as well as in my other book so check em out. Bye bye and remember

Love Me, Love Me Not (Will x Reader x Bill fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now