Chapter 13.

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The evening had fell upon Norwich, the skies were an orangey pink color mixed into the blueness of the atmosphere. The clouds looked flatter than normal, they weren't as fluffy as they had been during daylight. Harry liked it better that way; flat clouds meant the day was ending and not much could harm him at night. He wouldn't let anything hurt him, for he protected himself with aggression and anger.

The rain had stopped earlier in the day, causing more and more people to come outside and play on the playgrounds. There was caution tape all over the area in which the four teens were found dead. Their bodies were gone, but their imprints were still there in the grass and dirt. Police surrounded the area, but Harry and Louis kept a low profile as they made their way into the forest. The same forest he'd taken Gray Parker into, the night he killed her.

They walked along the dirt path, letting the moist dirt seep into the grooves on the bottom of their shoes. The walk was about five to ten minutes. The area was deep enough so that not many people would come across it, but if they did they wouldn't suspect a thing. After all, it was just some old graveyard. Only small headstones that looked as though they had been written by young children. That's exactly what Harry had wanted everybody to think and to feel when they walked past the stones that were engraved with something sharp, perhaps a pocket knife or even another pointed stone.

When the grass had come to a stop along the sides of the path, Harry knew they were close. The path was now nothing but dirt, moist and wet like the sand along the shore at the beach; only this dirt had a black and grey tint to it. It looked haunting, as if it was pulled out of a horror movie. There was an odd sound each time they lifted their feet to place another shoe print into the moist dirt. It was the sound of a muffled pop before they made a slight splash noise against the dirt. It sounded like what you'd hear at the beach while people walk in their bare feet along the shoreline of the ocean. But it wasn't that, it was the sound of something so eerie and it had been too hard to even believe it was even the footsteps of a human.

"Right there.." Harry mumbled as he pointed towards a small opening just a couple feet away from where they had been walking. The opening was rather small, but once someone would walk past they could see it clearly. It was so deep in the forest that nobody could come across it, only if somebody knew it was there. Nobody really did, except for Harry. There was a bunch of dead plants surrounding the opening to the graveyard. The sign, that read pets graveyard, was tangled with dead vines and flowers making it look like people had planted those flowers there in grief. There were many headstones that had dead flowers surrounding them, but not as much as the sign had had around it.

Their shoes were implanted in the moist dirt, leaving a shoe print that would later be engulfed by the wet soil. They made their way in through the entrance, Harry taking the lead while Louis followed behind. Small droplets of raindrops had been seated on each little strand of grass. Most of the area had been surrounded by dirt, but there were some sections of grass around the headstones. It looked as though it had been the exact scene from Pet Sematary, it was close enough.

Harry had walked towards the back of the graveyard that he made himself with about forty to fifty headstones sticking up from the moist dirt. Louis was astonished and couldn't believe what his eyes were telling him. It didn't look or seem real. It was far too horrifying to even let any human mind create on its own. The sounds of their footsteps were even blood-curdling. Nothing seemed more terrifying than the sight that emerged beneath dead roses, broken leaves, and thin vines wrapped around the headstone. It was a light grey color, seeming to be the cleanest stone out of all the rest. Engraved on the front of the stone read; Nathan, The Kutest Kitty To Ever Live. And just beneath it; 1963-1978.

The engraving on the headstone looked like it was used with perhaps another stone, but a sharp one that could possibly slit open the throat of another. It was clear to see that the stone had been engraved by a child or maybe even a young teenager. Truth could only be told once they got close enough.

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