Chapter 10.

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Dew had formed upon each section of sod throughout the area in which Harry and Carter walked upon in their shoes. The evening was gone and the night had rose; Harry's favorite time of day. The moon was bright that night, as it had always been, but that night the moon beamed upon the town of Norwich, Pennsylvania so brightly that it created so many different shadows and peered into the windows of young children's rooms to frighten them. Harry may have been afraid of his own shadow, but not like any child would be. Tonight was the night to be extra wary.

Harry had held a giant bag over his shoulder that had the weight of a man inside. Nobody was out that night, it had just been Carter and Harry. This wasn't something Harry enjoyed Carter seeing but she insisted on helping since she was apart of this vile act as well. Her hands and legs shook but she did her best to keep up with Harry as he walked rather fast.

"It was fake," Harry spoke out of the blue, letting his breath turn into what seemed like fog as he breathed out. His own body shook a little as he carried the bag stuffed with the heavyweight into the path in which he took Gray Parker to that night he killed her. The dirt path was narrow and filled with small areas of yellow flowers.

"What was fake?" Carter asked, biting at her fingernails. Her body was shaking more and more the further they walked into the path. Her deep brown eyes looked around the area in the forest before glancing at the bag, beginning to let tears roll down her eyes. Her breathing was uneasy as she looked away not being able to take in what they were about to do.

"The badge, it wasn't real. He took it out so fast and covered the picture on it with his hand. He was faking it, Carter. You did a good thing, please don't worry. Soon he'll be gone," Harry spoke, whispering so that nobody would hear them. Nobody would even if there had been people around, they were so deep in the forest that only animals could pick up what they were talking about.

Carter only nodded at Harry's statement and followed him into a secluded area with a sign that read pets graveyard. It was old looking, something that looked as though it had been made in the 1800's. It was old and the dirt was squishy, it seeped through the shoes in which Carter had been wearing but she didn't seem to notice that; neither did Harry. Who knows how many times he had been here, anyway.

"Alright, here'll be good," Harry released a heavy breath and dropped the bag, letting it fall to create a thud noise against the moist dirt. They had walked about a mile in deep and there were still many graves dug for the pets that possibly children had made. Harry seemed very familiar with the area, which scared Carter. She bit her lip and grabbed the flashlight from her back pocket and held it so that Harry could easily dig a hole deep enough for Evan's body to fit in.

"What if he wakes up?" Carter asked, timidly. She was scared for her life, afraid that she would be caught by police and her and Harry would end up marrying in jumpsuits. She looked around and hugged herself with her free arm as the other was holding the flashlight for Harry. He dug a few feet while Carter's shaky hand was holding the light. He got a little dirty but nothing too much to wear he would be questioned by anybody.

"He won't," Harry told her and pulled out a gun from the inside pocket of his leather jacket. He held it up in front of Carter which only made her drop the flashlight. Her body shook too much for her to stand on her own so she nearly fell to her knees, letting the salty, wet substance trickle down her cheeks and meet the corners of her lips. She tasted the salty substance as it met her lips before looking at Harry. He'd climb out of the grave he dug and held Carter in his arms, the gun was placed on the ground, beside the bag in which was stuffed with Evan's body.

"Carter, baby girl, look at me.." Harry whispered, caressing her cheek trying his best to wipe the tears that fell from her beautiful brown eyes. She was so beautiful when she cried, but in this situation, Harry's heart ached at the sight. Carter lifted her head and looked at him while her bottom lip trembled. "He was going to kill us if we didn't move quick.. we're doing the right thing. I just need you to hold the flashlight, you don't even have to look when I do it. Please, princess? I can't do this part without you.." Harry pleaded, his eyes watering as well as hers.

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