Chapter 2.

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The rumbling coming from the heavens above caused a vibration upon the Earth's ground. Heavy rain poured onto the dirt creating a muddy substance that oozed between the toes of each teenager, as they walked barefoot on his land. That area belonged to him. Nobody else.

If she were to step foot on his land, she'd disappear next. He'd take her so fast, that she wouldn't even remember being taken; by the arm, gripped tightly which left a black and blue mark along her tricep and a hand mark on her throat.

At least, she hadn't been alone.

"Somebody's out there!" One of the careless teens called out, fear in their voice. Tears - or possible raindrops - rapidly fell down along their cheeks, while walking along the soggy grass and dirt. 

"How do you know it's a person?" Replied another teenager, his voice shaken with utter trepidation.

"Because nature doesn't commit these vile acts." Snapped back the first teen, whom had seemed like the leader of the group. Although she was afraid as well, she knew leading would have to be a job taken on.

The scene's tension lingered. The rain tapped along the raincoats of those who stood beneath the oak tree in the middle of Norwich, Pennsylvania. They were at a secluded park. Nothing but trees and rain. The rain and soft breathing from the other individuals were all that could be heard. The occasional pounding of one's heart could be heard by the human ear.

The squishing dirt beneath the weight of another was heard from a couple miles away. The mud oozed upward in between the toes of whomever the person had been. The rain poured along the grass, creating a mist that was difficult to see past.

A dark figure appeared beyond the mist. The figure of a man. He stood there, menacingly. He wanted something. The itching look of his fingertips provided a clear answer that this man didn't come to play a game of hide 'n' seek, but came to play manhunt—

"Carter! Baby girl.. wake up," Harry's voice filled the brunette's ears as she had woken up from a mid-day nap drenched in sweat. She released a soft breath from her lips and sat up straight, looking ahead of her. She was laid on the couch with a silk blanket on over her body. 

Harry had sat on the edge of the couch, his arms placed on both sides of her waist as his deep, emerald eyes looked down at her. She was sweating, but seemed to calm down to the softness of his presence.

"I-.. I'm sorry.." Carter let slip out of her mouth gently. Her body was shaking, afraid of her own nightmare that was playing on a continuous loop inside her head.

"No no, baby.. shh, it's okay. It's over now," Harry wrapped his arms around the petite girl's torso, holding her against his chest. He could feel the rapid beat of her heart in contact with his own. The tapping of the rain, that never seemed to go away, relaxed Carter, but she was still far more shaken up than Harry had realized her to be.

Carter's body seemed to fall onto Harry's chest, burying her face into the crook of his neck as his ringed fingers traced her back up and down. His finger tips caught in the girl's messy brown hair but it wasn't tangled, his hands slipped out from it almost too easily.

"What happened in your dream, love?" Harry whispered into her ear, pressing a kiss against her lobe that had been covered slightly with her thick hair. His lips lingered for a while before he pulled back, looking into her irises. He was still holding her, not once did he let go.

Carter's body shook vigorously, as if she was sitting on a massage chair. Her pale skin looked flushed and red as the sweat from her hairline dripped down along her cheeks. Her petite hands went to reach for Harry's before examining his emerald orbs. "I saw him.." She released with a soft breath from her mouth, her lips trembling.

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