Chapter 12

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"Four teens were found dead just outside of Clooney Park. Police say their throats were slit and left there to choke on their own blood-"

A news reporter appeared on Harry's television one morning as he was making breakfast. He turned it off while rolling his eyes into the back of his head; so that only the white part of his eyeball showed beneath his eyelid. He took the mug filled with black coffee, just the way he liked it, and made his way out onto the balcony of his apartment. This had been in his morning routine ever since he moved into that little apartment a few years ago. It hadn't even faded when he and Carter had their relationship going. They always shared mornings on the balcony, breathing in the fresh air and asking silly yet deep questions that nobody really had any answers to.

The steam from the hot coffee inside the mug lifted off the surface of the liquid and into the morning air. It disappeared into thin air, vanishing in the oxygen that Harry would breathe in to smell the aroma of coffee beans. He let his lashes flutter shut over his green irises before opening them again to view the slightly busy traffic below him. It sounded like New York in the morning, but less aggressive.

He placed his lips around the rim of the mug and sipped the tiniest bit of the coffee that burned down his throat leaving a subtle stinging sensation. He released a soft breath and looked out, across at the building next to his apartment complex. It had been a strip mall with a bagel factory closest to Harry's apartment. He'd see families going in and out of there on Saturday mornings and it seemed so peaceful. It was a blissful scene. Nothing could ruin it or come in the way of it; not one single thing.

The knock on his apartment door resulted in his thoughts being interrupted which made him a little annoyed but he proceeded to make his way to the glazed wooden door. He placed his free hand on the cold metal doorknob, while his other hand held his coffee mug making sure not to spill anything on his new door mat. He pulled the door open with that same creaking noise that never went away. Harry's eyes laid upon the girl whom had walked out of his apartment a few nights before. He seemed to struggle in producing any words, for he stood there speechless with his hands shaking. He licked his lips several times before coughing to clear his throat.

"Carter, please come in," Harry spoke, trying his very hardest not to make his voice squeak or crack in any way. If he'd let his voice break, he'd sound like a thirteen year old boy going through puberty. He stepped aside and let the creaky door open more so that Carter had enough room to simply slip under through the door frame. Once she did, he shut the door and released a soft breath. He placed his mug of coffee onto the counter and asked Carter if she'd like some. She refused his offer politely.

"Is everything okay?" Harry asked with subtle worrisome in his tone. He had no clue what Carter was entering his apartment for since she had left very dramatically which resulted in Harry believing that she'd never return. He traced his lips using his cold fingertips. His body was covered in a robe, a silk black robe that he often wore on early mornings with only a pair of boxers beneath. As for Carter, she wore a sweet looking trench coat and what seemed to be a morning gown beneath since it looked as though she had no pants on, or even stockings. On her feet she wore flats, that made her look even shorter than she already had been. There were times when she had to step onto Harry's toes to give him a soft peck on his lips; he admired that about her.

"No, I saw that news this morning. Do you wanna talk about that?" Carter crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Harry with a stern glare. It was like she had accused him already without even taking any of the possibilities into consideration. She was jumping to conclusions but Harry couldn't blame her for that.

He released a soft breath after having taken a deep one. He looked across the living room to Carter's soft, yet very angry expression. She couldn't get angry at a bug even. She was just that sweet and pure. Her brown eyes were filled with anger though. While her lips parted as if she was about to say something but she'd let Harry speak first before interrupting. "I'm sorry.." Harry whispered. "I'm sorry for putting you in a situation like this and I'm sorry for not being able to control myself. I bet it'd be better just to fucking end it, right? I could put it all to an end. You wouldn't have to feel involved, I'd be burning in hell and this whole thing would just be over. Do you want that?" His voice broke but he stayed calm. A glossy veneer was produced over his emerald irises before tears fell from the waterline of his eye and down his cheeks. His nose had a tint of redness around the nostrils and on the tip of his nose; he looked like Rudolph the reindeer.

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