Chapter 1.

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Clinks of wine glasses and beer bottles filled the bar, along with loud chatter and the music vibrating against the ears of each individual whom sat in the bar. The droplets of some wet substance tapped against the glass windows that secluded the group of people from the outside.

It was filled with the aroma of smoke and alcohol. He seemed to have become immune to all the different smells that played a part in the area. He was seated at the bar, staring down into the small glass of whiskey. The condensation from his glass dripped down along the cup, resulting a circle of water that pooled around the bottom of it.

The doors had opened and a draft of cold air hit the back of his short, curly brown hair. He turned his head to see a girl coming inside, making her way to the bar. He looked back down at his cup of whiskey, but kept the corner of his eye on her. She had sat just a couple seats over from him. He thought she must've done that on purpose. She could've seen him through the thick glass window and thought she could sweep him off his feet. She already had.

His head turned to look at her profile. She was reading a book before the bartender placed a tall beer in front of her. That was astonishing to him. No woman had ever come inside a bar like this one to order such a virile drink. Her hair was tied up into a medium bun, directly on the back of her head, a few strands of hair stuck out but she looked ravishing to the young man a few seats beside her.

"Something you need?" The woman looked up at the man whom had continued to look at her for only God knows how long it had been. She seemed sweet but also not afraid to speak up to a man, especially in a bar scene.

The plump lips of the masculine individual curved into a cynical smirk. He was intrigued by her braveness and fearlessness to speak up to the man who was drinking alone.

"What are you reading?" He asked, not answering her question, instead his eyes diverted to the opened book with several thousand pages. His ringed fingers held the wet glass that had been dripping of condensation.

"War and Peace," She responded not looking at the man whom had been beside her.

This intrigued him all the more. He stood from his stool and moved over just one seat so he'd be only one seat over from her instead of two. The girl looked up, giving him a strange look but relaxed herself and curved her lips in a gentle smile.

"Have you read it?" She asked him, her finger tracing the rim of her glass while her eyes were locked with his emerald ones.

"I don't even think anybody has finished it," He spoke straight faced but soon curved his mouth into a grin. This caused the woman to smile and giggle gently.

He seemed like a sweet, young, professional man. He had been the only one in the bar who was wearing a blazer and dress pants as well. His shoes seemed new, along with the tie he had on around the collar of his shirt.

"Were you waiting for someone?" The girl had asked with a sorrow look on her face.

"What? No no, I just wear this every Thursday night," He told her, not clearly being honest.

The girl nodded softly, not believing his little white lie before looking up at him after having glanced down at her book. "I'm Carter," She told him with a soft tone.

"Harry, Harry Styles," His grin came back as he looked at her seeing a small glisten in her glossy eyes.

Carter's red painted lips curved into a smile, as if she had been trying to fight the bigger smile that was threatening to be released. She was eyeing the page of the book she was on and fiddled with the corner of the book's page.

"Carter's an interesting name for a girl," Harry finally said, hopping over one more seat to be directly beside her.

"Harry's an interesting name for a boy," Carter snapped back in a light manner with a cheeky grin producing on her lips.

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