Chapter 23

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Songs for the Chapter:

Kiss You- One Direciton

Everytime We Touch- Cascada

Chemical Collide- Boys Like Girls

Lindy's POV

"He needs to be home, Lindy! He needs us!" shouted my dad through the phone.

"What he needs is some space!" I shouted back.

"He's got enough space here. He can't run away from his problems," he said.

"Well maybe it's better to," I said.


"Forget it Dad."

"No, Lindy talk to-"

I hung up the phone. I couldn't handle talking to him about this right now. 

I wish I could run away. Get away from this place for a while. Maybe all the pain would go away. 

He doesn't get it. Not only is Liam hurting, but I am hurting. He is so focused on getting Liam back home, that he doesn't see the big picture.

When Niall put his arm around me while I was crying into my hands, it gave me some sense of comfort. I stopped when I heard him quietly sobbing.

"Niall?" I muttered.

When I turned to look at him, his head was down. He wiped his hair out of his eyes and took a deep breath. When he looked at me, his eyes were slightly puffy. They weren't the bright blue eyes I was used to seeing. They were darker. He didn't smile. He gave a blank expression, but his eyes and his sobs could tell how he was feeling. Sad.

"I miss her," Niall said.

Niall pulled up a chair and placed it in front of me. He put his hands in his lap. His head drifting low and another tear rushed down his face.

I have never seen Niall cry. Last night he got a little choked up, but I guess after you reveal something like that it would choke you up. It's hard to see him so vulnerable I guess. 

I grab his hands. He doesn't look up at me. He takes a deep breath and continues to stare at his hands that are now in mine.

I want to ask him why is he missing her now, but I can't manage to mutter the words. I just want to be in this moment and be sad with him. 

I continue to hold his hands. I stroke them with my thumbs, but it's nothing like how he does it for me. I wish I could hug him or give him a kiss on his forehead. He deserves comfort like he has been doing for me. Instead I am able to scootch far enough forward to kiss his hand. 

He looks up after that. He has small smile on his face. His eyes aren't as puffy and sad. Some color has returned to his dark eyes. They are somewhat normal again. He stands up afterword and stands behind my chair. He wraps his arms around my shoulders. He kisses my cheek and lays his head on the top of my head. 

"You are awesome, you know that right?" he says.

I wish I could tell him how I don't feel, but I just agree and say, "Yes, I know."

He gives a small chuckle.

"Really. You didn't have to say anything to get why I was sad. You didn't even ask why I am sad in this moment. You are just here for me. That's why you are so awesome," he says.

I smile at him as he smiles back.

I hear the click of the washer. His laundry is done.

"You should throw that in the dryer," I say.

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