Chapter 20

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Songs for the Chapter:

Madness in Me- Skillet

Someday- Rob Thomas

You Found Me- The Fray (This song is a play on what happens in the chapter. Just the title itself. I hope you get the joke when you read. I'm sorry for my corny humor.)

Liam's POV

Harry starts to babel on the phone pretending to be his dad. Does this really work?

"Yes, this is Mr. Styles, Harry's Dad?" he says into the phone.

I hear some mumbling on the other line and can't make out what they are saying.

"Yes, my son has seemed to have come down with some illness which requires him to miss school today. I am sure a day off with plenty of rest will cure this little bug he has caught."

I hear more mumbling again.

"Yes. Mhmm. That is all. Thank you. Have a great day," he says.

He ends the call and shoots me a sly grin.

"Told ya," he said.

"Man, I can't believe they fall for it!" I said.

"I've done it before. Haven't got caught and don't plan to in the near future. My dad honestly doesn't care. As long as I don't fall behind in school and don't get into trouble, I can pretty much do whatever the hell I want."

I wish I lived in that household.

Harry saunters over to the kitchen and opens the fridge.

"Cereal good with you man?" he asks.

"Sure," I say back.

Come to think of it I'm not really that hungry. Haven't had much of an appetite lately which has costed me to loose a couple pounds that I don't need to loose. I can't afford to drop a weight class.

Harry pours me and himself a bowl and brings it over to the couch. He turns on the TV and starts finding something somewhat amusing. He can't decide on anything decent, so he settles on some morning show and puts it on low volume.

"So, my dad got me this six pack a while back that I have been saving. I was thinking we could crack into that together. Just you and me! What do ya think?" he said as he took another spoonful of cereal.

His dad got him beer?

"I don't know man," I said.

"Awe come on!" he said.

"I don't really drink."

After what happened to Lou I don't think I could ever drink again. I admit, I have been to a couple parties, but I don't even drink at them. I just take a beer and drink it all night.

"You deserve a beer or two. I'm not asking you to jump off a bridge!" he said.

"Alright, why not," I said.

"Sweet! Soon as I'm done with this cereal I'm gonna pop those suckers in the fridge."

He quickly finishes so he can place the beers in the fridge. He must really wanna drink.

I slowly eat my cereal, hoping that I will develop an appetite for more. I don't. I barely finish the bowl I was given. I heard the fridge open again and notice Harry popping his head back in.

"Want any more?" he asks.

"No, I'm good," I said.

"Cool," he says.

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