Chapter 28

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Songs for the Chapter
Need you Now- Lady Antebellum
Change Your Ticket- One Direction
Beside You- 5SOS
SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG. Winter break got the best of me! And school after winter break. And summer break. And now I'm back at school again. It's been almost 8 months since I last posted a chapter so I'm starting it back up! I made this chapter a little longer and moved ahead a bit in time so make the story go along smoother. I have been writing about the past 24 hours in the book for a couple chapters so it's time to move on! Hope you like it!
I'm going to start adding pictures or videos to the top! I really like that feature so from now on I'm going to try and use it.
OTRA tour is almost over! I went to Cleveland and Pittsburgh! Can't wait for the fifth album. Really love Drag Me Down.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter! :)

Lindy POV

I dreaded the first day back at school. After missing the next week of school and exams I had to be given an alternate exam for the material I missed. Niall and I finished our project but Niall had to present the whole thing himself. I still got my presenting grade for his presentation and he did really well on it and I ended up with an A on that final. My other finals I didn't do as well on them, but most of my teachers altered my final grade so I still managed to get mostly B's for the semester. I had a 4.0 GPA until this point, but my parents told me not to worry about it since most kids graduate with below a 4.0 and still get into great schools for college. I'm not too concerned I just wish I still had my 4.0.
Liam has been doing a lot better. The both of us just started to go the therapy, separate of course, and it really seems to help especially for him. The psychologist is trying to figure out if he has some form of PTSD or Depression to explain his extreme anger and sadness but she needs more sessions with him to make a full diagnosis. So far she believes that I am doing well but need some therapy to just get over the trauma of it all. She believes that if I continue to talk to her that my mental health should be a lot better. I'm assuming better then Liam's at the moment.
So far we have been getting a long a lot better. There are moments where he goes off, but it's mostly at Mom and Dad not me. When that happens I go to his room the help cool him down then he apologizes. This has really helped our relationship up to now and he seems to confide his feelings in me more then before the accident. I think therapy is really helping that.
I get ready for school with a new brace on my leg which allows me to bend my knee slightly but it keeps it in place so I can't move it very much. I have started some physical therapy to start to get me to bend my leg again so I can at least put some weight on it. I still have to crutch everywhere, but at least I am not limited to no weight bearing on my leg anymore.

I slip on some baggy sweatpants that cover my leg. My mom went out and bought me men's sweatpants like 2 sizes bigger then what I wear so that it can fit over my brace. I have to tie them tight so they don't fall off my hips, but besides that they are really warm on comfortable. I put a long sleeve t shirt over my head, throw my hair up and do a quick little touch up of makeup so I don't look like death today. Just a little mascara will do. I put my diamond studs in my ears and my silver cross around my neck. I stare into the cross on my neck and think about it. I wasn't a really spiritual person before the accident but I wore this cross all the time since my grandma gave it to me before she died a couple years ago. I usually wear it without even thinking about its significance, but now I have this relationship with God that I've never had before. My parents even go to church once a week now like we used to when we were little. Sometimes Liam joins them. I'm still not able to go out in public besides school just yet, but when I am I will join them.

"Hey you ready to come down the stairs?" Liam shouts up the stairs.
"Yeah give me a second!" I shout back.
Liam got up earlier today so that he had more time to get me to school on time. He's been downstairs for a few minutes making breakfast for us like he almost always does every morning. We have a rule, whoever gets downstairs first makes breakfast. He's almost always down first since it takes him like 2 minutes to get ready.
Liam enters my room to help aid me down the stairs.
"You ready?" He asks.
"I guess," I said.
"First day back has to happen sometime," he says back.
"Well I wish I was fully off these painkillers, but at least I'm taking them during the day anymore," I said back.
After taking the painkillers for almost 3 weeks 24/7, the doctor gave me a high dose of ibuprofen to take. He told me to take the painkillers if the pain was that bad. Only take them at night to help me sleep but besides that the ibuprofen works enough to dull the pain.
Liam picks me up and carries me down the stairs. Although I have been working in therapy to navigate the stairs myself, there are too many steps and it really tires me out to do it myself, so Liam just carries me up and down. I do the small flights myself but larger flights of stairs I do not do unless I have the energy. The school I go to is multiple floors, so thank goodness there is an elevator I can use or else I would be screwed.
Liam has prepared a wonderful smelling breakfast. He places me at the table and I am in awe of what he has prepared.
"Damn what time did you get up to make this?" I asked.
"Well I decided to get a quick workout in this morning since our meet got cancelled today, so I got up super early and went on the treadmill downstairs. Then I showered and had time to kill so I prepared this," he said.
In front of me was pancakes, eggs, bacon, and a small bowl of fruit salad. He really went all out.
"And I guess I wanted you to have a nice breakfast before your first day back. Mom helped too before she left and dad tried everything to make sure it tasted good. I literally had to pry him away from the bacon!" He said.
"Well it looks delicious! Let's dig in we have to leave in like 20 minutes!" I said back.

I could tell that Liam was trying to repair the relationship that was tarnished by his harsh words in the beginning, but I didn't care as I slowly savored the blueberry pancakes (my favorite) and scarfed down 3 pieces of bacon. The eggs and the fruit were eaten fast since we only had another 5 minutes to eat before we left. Pretty soon I was filled with food.

Liam cleared our plates and did some of the dishes before he got us ready to leave.  
"Dad! Please do the rest of the dishes we have to leave for school!" Shouted Liam.
"Ok, son!" He shouted back.
Liam then loaded his backpack and mine in the car before coming to get me. If it wasn't snowing still and I had better control of my crutches I would just walk out the door myself, but if was quicker for Liam to carry me. Plus I am very petite so I wasn't much of a weight to carry.
The drive seemed to take forever. 5 minutes seemed like 5 hours as my heart was beating out of my chest and in my ears. Liam tried to create small talk, but it was mostly him talking about some wrestling stuff that I really didn't care for.
Finally we arrived at the front door. And much to my surprise a certain blonde haired Irishman was waiting for me. His blue eyes were the indicator of Niall being there and stuck out from his mostly covered face. It was in the teens today, but no snow so school will go on.
Niall opened the door and helped me out of the car.
"Liam asked me to help you out today so I decided to wait here for ya!" He said in his not normal english accented voice.
Nobody but me knew his secret yet, but since I'd known he has slipped up a bit especially around Liam and he is getting suspicious. Niall was pulling his scarf down to expose his smiling face. His cheeks were a deep pink and he was breathing hard to try and get some warm air into his lungs. His beanie hat hung low on his face, making him look like he had no hair. Niall had just gotten a new haircut, so some of his bangs did peak out from his navy blue hat. He looked adorable all bundled up.
Once I got out of the car Niall gave me a small hug and a kiss on my cheek.
"I'm gonna park and meet you inside later. Niall will take you from here," Liam said.
Niall and I have Algebra first period, so it would make sense for Niall to help me out.
Niall then planted another kiss on my lips this time. He put his glove covered hand on my face which was soft to my touch.
"Your lips are really cold this morning I may have to warm them up a bit more," he murmured into my ear.
Before I could respond he passionately kissed me...right in front of one of the entrances to the school. Rarely anyone uses this entrance, but it is the closest to my first class. A couple students start to stare at us but I kissed Niall back harder which led him to let out a small moan on his lips.
"That enough for now," he said into my ear.
I feel like things are moving in lighting speed with Niall since we both confessed our feelings for each other. We have been technically dating for almost 2 weeks and by the way we act around each other it seems like we have been dating for months. We are just so comfortable with each other.
Niall kissed me again and his tongue entered my mouth which drove me insane. I squeezed his upper arms hard which made him kiss me harder.
"Ok that's enough for now, I wish I could kiss you more but I feel we are getting some looks," Niall said.
A few more students had started go stare but I didn't mind.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be," I said in return.
There is no turning back now. Just have to get past this hurdle like I do with every problem that comes my way.

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