Chapter 22

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Songs for the Chapter:

Never Be- 5SOS

The Only Exception- Paramore

Waiting Outside the Lines- Greyson Chance

So I'm trying something new for this Chapter- Niall's POV! He's starting to become an important character as the story develops. This is going to be bit of a flashback chapter, but it's important for the content of hte story. Please tell me what you think! This is a little bit risky involving another POV to the story, so this is a little experiment to see the results. I won't know if it is a success if you don't vote or comment! Enjoy!

Niall's POV

"You found who?" asked Lindy.

I knew the moment her dad started ranting into the phone that things weren't good.

"How did you find him?" she said back into the phone.

I heard his voice through the phone, but I coldn't make out the words.

"You confronted him? With no warning? Dad how could you! You know how sensitive he is right now."

You know how sensitive he is right now.

The words Lindy muttered remind me so much of something I want to forget.


"Greg wait for me!" I shouted as I ran with my brother.

My brother would sometimes race me home, and beat me everytime. He would never let me win. I'm only six, just once would he let me win!

He beat me again. Usually he would lock the door behind him and I would have to scream until my mum let me in, but this time the door was wide open.

"Greg, you left the door open!" I said as I closed the door.

I saw Greg, standing in the family room with his backpack strap around his hand. He was looking at something.

"Greg?" I asked as I came up to him.

The backpack slowly slipped out of his hand and onto the floor.

"I think...Mum is sleeping," said Greg.

He quietly tip toed over to my sleeping mum.

"Mum?" he said.

"Wake up Mum!" I shouted.

Greg shot me a look.

"Mum? Wake up!" said Greg.

He gently shook her. And agian.

"She must really be asleep!" I said.

"No...she isn't sleeping!" shouted Greg.

He got up off the floor and ran over to the phone.

"It's dead!" he shouted.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Mum isn't waking up! We need help Niall! Go get help!" he shouted.

"Where?" I asked.

"Anywhere! Yell down the street!" he said.

I ran out the door and started screaming. When my brother tells me something to do I do it.

"HELP!" I shouted over and over again.

No one was answering, and I ran back in the house.

"Did you get help?" Greg asked.

"No one answered," I said.

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