Chapter 21

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Songs for the Chapter- None because I really wanted to write this chapter quickly!

Lindy's POV

I finished up quickly so I could get back to Niall. Ever since last night I can't be away from him too long. I know it's crazy. I guess it's because Liam is gone and I need someone to lean on. Plus the only people besides the hospital staff and my parents that I have interacted is just Liam so having him around was a nice change. 

I wrap my knotted hair into a towel and another around my body to dry myself. I struggle getting my clothes on, but I manage to do it.  I grab my crutches leaning against the wall and placed them under my arms.

When I open the door I smell something burning. Niall is in the kitchen shirtless with a towel wrapped low on his waist.

I want to investigate what he is doing, and what he is possibly burning, in the kitchen but I decide to go back into the bedroom really quick. I brush my unruly hair and throw on a pair of loose shorts  and a long sleeved t-shirt instead of what Niall got me. The sweatpants were too warm and my arms were cold.

It took me a bit to realize this shirt isn't mine. I look closer and realize it was Lou's. I try to keep it together, but I can't help but let the tears escape me. I lean against the dresser and fold my arms on my chest, trying to calm my deep heaves of air. I try to compose myself, but the tears continue to fall. 

"Lindy, what's wrong?" Niall asks as he enters the room.

He must have heard my cries from the kitchen. He has his sweatpants low on his hips as I look through my clouded eyes. His hair is damp and laying on his forehead, not gelled up like I am used to. His warm hands unfold my arms. He strokes the top of my left hand with his thumb and places the other on my face. He wipes a tear away off my cheek. 

"It's just...."

I try to speak but the tears continue to flow, but harder. Niall pulls me into an embrace and starts stroking. I cry deeply into his bare shoulder. His bare touch on my skin makes me feel better and my sobs start to slow. 

Niall pulls back and looks me in the eyes. He must think I am a mess. 

"You okay now?" Niall asks.

He returns to stroke my hand with his thumb.

I nod in return. Niall grabs a tissue off the nightstand and hands it too me. I smile at him as I wipe my eyes and nose. 

"You want to tell me why you were crying?" he asks. 

He sits on the unmade bed. I continue to lean on the dresser. I fold my arms again. The navy blue shirt is damp from my tears. I wipe my eyes with the sleeve and take in the scent on the shirt.

His scent. 

I let out a cough before I can mutter a word. 

"This shirt...was his..." I finally mutter out. 

Another tear escapes and I wipe it with the same sleeve. The end is almost completely soaked with my tears. 

Niall raises his eyebrows. He tucks his hands into his pockets. 

"Oh," he says, looking down at his folded hands. 

He starts to twiddle his thumbs. I can tell he doesn't know what to do. 

"I didn't mean to put it on. I just grabbed a shirt that I thought was mine," I said.

His blue eyes stare at me, locking into mine.

"I don't know why I am like this. Why I am such a mess? I even dragged you into it," I said.

Before Niall could say anything I cut him off and continued.

"I never imagined this ever happening. I had such a good life before this. Great family. Good grades. Now everything is different."

 Niall gets up and starts to rub my shoulders. He helps to release some of the tension in my body. If only he could do that forever.

"I wish this never happened. I wish Lou was alive. I wish Liam wasn't mad at me. I wish my leg wasn't fucked up. I just wish this wasn't happening to me. I don't deserve this," I say.

"You don't," Niall says into my ear. 

His soft lips kiss my cheek.

"Why are you so good to me when I am such a mess?" I ask.

"Because I care about you," Niall says back.

The smell from earlier returns. 

"Um, Niall? What is burning?" I ask.

"Oh shoot! I made toast and I guess I left it in too long!" Niall says as he runs out the room. 

I laugh as I watch him scurry out the room. He looks so adorable.

I take the tear soaked shirt off and find one of my own. I wish it wasn't so cold from sitting in the closet, but it will do for now. 

When I enter the family room, Niall is wafting the air with a frying pan. Smoke fills the kitchen. 

"What did you do?" I ask.

"Just burned some toast, no big deal," he says. 

I shake my head again. 

"Well did you manage to make any toast that isn't burned? I'm starving," I say. 

"," he says.

"Here let me help you," I say. 

I continue to show Niall how to correctly use our toaster without burning the house down. Niall grabs some cereal from the top of the fridge and pours himself a bowl. 

"You want some too?" he asks.

"No, I don't like that kind. I'm good with my peanut butter toast," I said.

"That's so weird. I've never heard of people eating their toast that way," he says.

"It's good! Plus it's quick and easy for the morning," I say.

Niall pours his cereal and gets the apple juice from the fridge. He takes out two glasses and pours some into them. 

Sure Niall. I would love some juice.

Niall carries my toast and juice to the table and I gingerly sit down. I am still not used to this crappy leg brace, but I guess it will take time. 

Niall digs into his cereal as I take a small bite of toast. I smile at the sight of Niall eating.

"What's so funny?" he says with cereal in his mouth.

"Nothing. You are just really cute when you eat," I say. 

He cracks a half smile and continues to eat his food. 

"So today I was thinking we could-"

Before Niall could finish, the phone started to ring. 

"I'll get it," he says.

Niall goes the counter and picks up the phone.

"Hello?" he says in his American accent.

Man he's really good at remembering his accent. 

"Woah slow down Mr. Payne! Where are you?" he asks.

Niall walks closer to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Wait, just talk to Lindy," he says, handing me the phone.

"Dad?" I ask.

"Lindy! I found him!" my dad says back.

"You found who?" I respond.

"I found your brother."

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