3: Δεμένη με τον διάβολο

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"Does we seriously have to do this?" Yoongi whined, Jungkook agreed, "Yeah, I really wanna go home. Play some games. Eat snacks." Jimin looked at him and rolled his eyes, "Like be a teenager? Sure, go ahead." He mumbled, looking around for anyone with the description Yoongi gave him.

"Why are you wearing a jacket? It's almost a hundred degrees out here." Yoongi growled, feeling twenty times hotter just looking at Jungkook. "I'm immune to anything burning hot, remember? It just feels like a normal day to me." Jungkook explained, taking a sip of his coffee.

"God, get me away from him." Yoongi said, looking up at the sky, Jimin huffed as they continued to walk down the sidewalk, passing people who obviously didn't match Yoongis description of Hoseok. "This isn't working." He muttered, Jungkook nodded.

"It's already hard enough. He doesn't have an aura around him, so none of us could tell if he's here or not." Yoongi sighed, Jungkook groaned as he threw his cup into a trash can.

"Let's just call it a day guys." Yoongi muttered, already turning around and walking forward. He thought he was walking a clear path but he instead bumped into someone. "Oh sorry...holy shit." Yoongi said, staring up at the man he and his friend have been looking for this whole time.

"Yoongi, nice to see you," Hoseok smiled, his eyes shining yellow as Yoongi gripped his hand, words that were definitely in another language appearing in his palm. "You."

"Here I am," Hoseok said, looking at Jungkook and then to Jimin, "These your friends? they look nice, who are you the son of?" He asked, pointing at Jungkook who only stuttered over his words because the actual devil was right in front of him. "Hmm, that's nice, and you?"

"Persephone," Jimin muttered, "And he's Prometheus." Hoseok nodded with a small smile, looking back down at Yoongi, who gave him a nasty glare. "Get rid of this."

"Rid of what?"

"You know what, this spell or whatever it is on my hand." Yoongi said, showing his palm off to the taller, the words on his palm easily seen now that Hoseok was standing there.

Δεμένη με τον διάβολο

"Those two should know," Hoseok smirked, Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned to the two. "We should? Because I don't have a fucking clue."

"You're the son of a God, when you're born, Greek is supposed to be your first or second language. You're supposed to at least be fluent." Jimin said, Jungkook sighed, "Im the son of a trickster. There's no telling what happened to me when I was born."

"True." Yoongi muttered, his palm still out for the two to look at. "Now can someone please explain this?" Jimin sighed but then turned to him, looking at the Greek words and then frowning. "It's translates to Tied to, or knit with, the devil."


"Yeah, that's what happens when you fuck a God—" Hoseok smirked, but he was cut off by Jungkook. "You're the devil."

"Whatever. We all have different phrases but in the end, it's supposed to tell others to stay the fuck away." Hoseok said, he then turned to Yoongi, the smaller still giving him nasty looks. "I never gave you my number." Hoseok smiled, he then snapped his fingers. "But now you have it." He muttered, already starting to walk away.

"Hey, Hey, hey! That's my fucking move!" Jungkook said, "I'm supposed be the one to do that shit! I'm the son of a trickster! That's literally like one of my best moves and you just took it."

"Can't you like..blink and the same shit happens?" Jimin mumbled, "I mean...yeah! But it's cooler when you snap and it happens." Jungkook pouted, Yoongi pulled out his phone and checked his contacts list. And sure enough, the number was already in there, name and everything. He sighed as he tried to delete it, but he would get an error message every time.

"Now what do I fucking do."

"I don't know, but I guess now the devil owns you." Jimin shrugged, moving his hand around in front of Jungkooks  face to get him to relax, the smell of roses coming from his hand instantly making him calm down.

"Like hell! I'm not doing anything for that dude!" Yoongi said, "Come on, I need to take my mind off things." Jimin nodded as he snapped his fingers, Jungkook turning back to normal. "Smells like roses.." he muttered, following the two.

"Hmm, I guess the snap is pretty cool."

I still have 2 prewritten chapters, Im just unsure on if I should leave them the same or if I should just rewrite them entirely. Either way, I like the next chapter, I don't know what it is about it but I like it.

~Markie 🥰

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