"It’s fine Ash," I mumbled walking away from him so I wouldn’t have to talk about it anymore. Michael and Calum were both watching tv as I sat down to join them. It was already two o’clock and Luke hasn’t come down from the hotel room yet. Their tour manager, Robbie, had to physically go up to his room just to get him down because he wasn’t answering any of his calls. 

"The cars are here lets go," Robbie said to us since we couldn’t drive to the tv station in the tour bus

The hotel blocked out the back exit so the fans couldn’t get back here which was pretty bittersweet, but I wasn’t ready to get yelled at again so I guess it was pretty okay. I still couldn’t shake off what they told me. The amount of hate that I was getting was almost too much to handle, but I had to handle it anyways. At least for a few more weeks until the contract was up.

We all piled into the black SUV with Luke already there, I came in last so I wouldn’t have to sit next to him. I didn’t know what I was supposed to say to him. I didn’t even know if I was going to forgive him. How are you supposed to forgive someone like that? God did I want to. I just wanted to forget about everything, but in the back of my mind I couldn’t help but think that maybe he was just another one of those guys. For fucks sake, he signed a contract to do this publicity stunt anyways

We all got out one by one with a surplus of fans waiting outside of the tv station for us. I wanted to meet them, but to be honest I was scared out of my mind. It was terrifying having that many people hate you. Having to be judged by your choices. I know it was cold, but I couldn’t do it. I kept my shades on looking straight ahead of me towards the doors trying to ignore them calling my name

The guys stayed behind to meet some fans, but I was lead to the studio where the interview was being taken place. I’ve done a few interview in here, so I could farely say that I knew my way around. I was greeted by the interviewers who instantly recognized me from my previous appearances on the talk show and allowed me to sit back behind the camera to watch. The audio guy let me put the extra headphones on so I could hear the microphones like he did which was pretty cool. When the guys finally got here, Luke didn’t look at me or even speak to me for that matter. Maybe it was for the best. I don’t know what I would’ve said anyways

"So I remember the first interview we did with you guys while you were touring with One Direction, now you’re all on your first headlining tour in the US how does it feel?" The host asked them as the interview began

"It’s amazing. We never thought we’d get to this point honestly, I remember when we started in my garage in our small town in Australia and now we’re out here, it’s incredible," Ashton said

"Yeah, it’s crazy to think of how we started and what we’ve become now," Michael added on

As the interview continued, of course my name was brought up eventually

"Your fame has grown to new heights recently, would you say that it came from Luke’s girlfriend, Josie?" The host asked

All three guys looked to Luke for the answer since I was technically his girlfriend, but Calum eventually took the lead since Luke didn’t look like he was going to be saying anything for anytime soon. He barely even said a word the entire interview and I guess the producers were starting to notice and figured that a little commercial break would give him a little time to get back into shape.

"Alright we’ll take a 10 minute break before we start again," The producer said letting the interviewer and the guys disperse

I left the headphones on since they were sound canceling and I wasn’t really in the mood to hear all the commosion going on around me  before the interview was about to start again. I kept my eyes focused on my phone in my lap as I scrolled through twitter reading all my mentions about how cold I was for not meeting any of the fans outside. I was honestly just really fucking done with everything at this point and decided to just tweet what was going through my mind

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