Rocky Waters

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I had just met this man, and already he was making everything so complicated? No. I was not allowing this.

I didn't hear any footsteps behind me, so I figured he wasn't chasing me. I walked onto the deck and stared at the star covered sky for a while. That's when I heard a noise. Almost like a small laugh. I looked around, trying to detect where the sound was coming from.

I couldn't see anything, so I walked around the deck. I then saw two people with their faces smashed together. How lovely.

I started walking away so they could have their privacy, until I heard a very familiar voice. I hid aroung the wall to hear the conversation.

"Jack, are you sure this should be happening?"

"I'm sure." He placed his hand on her neck and pulled her in for another kiss.

I went back to my room, and just as suspected, Scarlett was not back. It was her on the deck with Jack. What?

I was so confused. She said she was taking a liking for Nicholas. I was too confused. I sat down on the couch and just stared at the wall for a while.


"Crap, I was trying to be quiet." Scarlett was walking back into the room, dress all wrinkled like she had gone through a wind storm. I bet she practically had.

"It's two in the morning, Scar. Where were you?" I knew very well where she had been, I just wanted to hear it from her.

"You know, out and about. The ship has many activities." She smiled and started to the bedroom.

I stood up and followed behind her. "Oh yes, which one were you doing? Dancing? Singing? Making out with Jack on the dock? I hear that one is loads of fun!"

She froze and then turned around. "You saw?" she asked, shocked.

"Yes! I went out there to get some fresh air, and then I see you eating Jack's face! I thought you were into Nicholas? He was definitley into you, Scar." I sat down on the bed and she took a seat next to me.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe because Jack is going to New York and actually getting off there. Nicholas works on the boat, Ruby. He will keep traveling, no matter what." Her voice actually sounded quite hurt.

"You don't know that. Maybe you'll change him, eh?" I walked over to the closet and got out two nightgowns and threw one at Scarlett. "Now get changed so we can sleep and maybe make it to lunch tomorrow," I laughed.

She smiled and walked to the bathroom. I started changing in the room, and when I finished, I climbed under the covers of the bed. It was so warm. Scarlett soon came out and climbed under them on the other side, too.

"Goodnight, Scar. Sweet dreams."

"You too, Ruby. You too."


"Ruby! Ruby! We slept through most of lunch! If we don't get up now, we'll never make it!" Scarlett was hitting me with a pillow and jumping on me.

"Okay! Okay! I'm getting up!" I stood up and pushed her off the bed as payback.

"I need food, now!"

"You always need food, Scarlett."

"But I really need it now!"

I laughed and went to my closet. I put on a yellow dress with lace on the sleeves and the belt. I went to change and when I came back, Scarlett was in a simple green dress. We did our hair almost too quickly and put on a little makeup. We then scurried out the door, running to the dining hall before it was too late.

We arrived and found people still eating. We sat at a table for two and ordered.

"Oh. My. God." Scarleet was staring at someone. I looked in the direction she was staring at, and saw exactly what she meant.

Jack was talking to Rose and laughing with her. His eyes were sparkling, and they looked genuinly happy. Almost like they were in love or something.

"They're probably just talking, Scar," I said to her. The waitress came back with our food and set it down in front of us.

"Anything else for you ladies?" She had a southern accent.

"Yeah, can I get another glass of water?" Scarlett asked politely.

"No problem, hun. I'll be right back." She smiled warmly and walked back to the kitchen area.

She came back shorty with some water and walked away.

"Well, this is going to be good." Scarlett got up with the water in her hand and headed towards Jack and Rose.

"Scarlett! Don't you dare!" I ran over to her and before she could dump the water down the back of Jack's clothes, I stepped in front of it. The water came splashing down my face and soaked my dress. I let out a little yell.

"Ruby, what the hell did you do that for?" Scarlett yelled. She reached over and grabbed a towell from a nearby tabel and handed it to me. I started wiping it off.

"Is everything okay?" Jack turned around and faced us. "What happened here?" he asked, looking at me.

Scarlett opened her mouth to tell him off, but I interrupted her. "She was walking and accidently stepped on the back of my shoe and spilled the water. It's fine. Accidents happen."

"That's not what happened, Ruby." Scarlett looked shocked.

Jack and Rose looked even more shocked.

"Jack, we need to talk." Scarlett grabbed Jack's arm and pulled him away from Rose and me.

"What's going on?" Rose asked.

I was about to answer, right before I caught a glimpse of Gregory. He was looking stunning in his uniform. He looked at me, and smiled a bright smile. I gave him a soft smile back before answering Rose's question.

"I don't know anymore, Rose. I just don't know."

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