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"There's no way that happened." Gregory's eyes were dead bolted onto Captain Smith's. His fists began to clench and turn whiter the harder he squeezed them.

Nicholas quickly stepped in front of him. "What he means is, he doesn't think that jumping into the ice cold water of the Atlantic Ocean is anyone's first option on anything." He gave Gregory a look that told him he'd said enough.

"Well, she did. And lucky for us, a nice young man stopped her. His name was Jack something," Captain Smith said.

I didn't say anything. It could've been any Jack. It didn't have to be the one Jack I met. Odds are, there could be thirty Jack's on the ship. That never stopped Scarlett, though.

"Hey! Maybe it was the Jack we met earlier! Who knew! Him being a hero! I mean I knew he was nice, but not that nice, you know?" She rambled on and on for a good whole minute before I interrupted her.

"Scarlett, there could be tons of people named Jack on this ship."

"I was just thinking, like, what if it was him though? And we know him? Yeah. That's cool." She smiled and nodded her head.

I couldn't help but slip a small smile back. "Whatever, who knows."

"Rose! Rose! You're okay!" Gregory ran over to a woman who looked into her early twenties. Her hair was red, just like mine, but brighter. Her lipstick was even brighter than her hair. I looked into her eyes, but they looked empty. She looked as if something was missing.

"Yes, I'm alright, thank you." She tried to act casual, but I hinted a note of annoyance in her voice. She was trapped in a hug with Gregory before he finally let go.

"I was worried." He recomposed himself, straightening his jacket.

"So, you know her?" I asked, curiously.

"Uh, yes. Sort of. I mean-," He looked so confused, like a child caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

Rose stepped towards me. Her eyes began to have a spark as she looked over Scarlett and me. "Your dresses are stunning," she said. "Where did you find them?"

"My mom makes them. She packed us a whole years worth. You know, you never know what could happen, I suppose." I smiled warmly at her.

"Maybe you two would want to come up to the first class deck to my room later? I have a few dresses and who knows, maybe we could make a fair trade." She smiled a wide smile, showing off her stunningly white teeth.

"We are in first class," Scarlett said, obviously offended.

"Oh my! I didn't mean to offend anyone, it's just, you looked so young and I wasn't sure if you were alone or what." Her eyes showed sincerity. We knew she was honestly sorry.

Scarlett's face turned red. "Oh, it's alright."

"Okay, enough of this nonsense," Gregory said. "Let me take you to your room, Rose."

"Not necessary, Admiral Gregory. My fiance is on his way." Rose's eyes turned to face the floor.

Gregory stood frozen. "Fi- fiance?" His voice sounded hurt.

"What's going on here?" A man appeared. He was in a tuxedo and had slicked back black hair.

"Nothing, Cal. Nothing at all. I was about to come back to meet up with you and-"

Before she could finish, Jack stepped out from behind Captain Smith.

"Jack! I knew it was you who saved her!" Scarlett ran and gave Jack a hug. "That's so fantastic!" Jack gave her a huge grin.

"Anything for a pretty lady," he said, looking at Rose.

"I'm leaving." Gregory stormed off the deck and back into the Dining Hall. Without thinking, I ran after him.

"Gregory! Wait! Slow down!" I yelled after him. He went all the way to the first class hallway before turning around.

"What is it, Mrs. Horan?"

"It's Ruby. My name is Ruby. So start calling me it. Please."

"Alright, Ruby. What is it?"

"What is your problem with Rose?"

He didn't say anything. He stood there, staring at the ground.

"I'm waiting." I folded my arms and tapped my foot, impatiently.

"You wouldn't understand, Ruby, becuase honestly, I don't understand either."

"Gregory, I actually thought you liked me, but I'm going to guess that you have feelings for Rose." I looked down.

Gregory came over and tilted my chin up with his hand so I was looking at his eyes. "Ruby, you're right. I do have feelings for Rose. But there's more to this story than you know, and you don't need to know. So please, just let it be." He stared into my eyes for a moment. "And yes."

I shook my head in confusion. "Yes?"

Gregory laughed a little. "I was answering your first question. Yes, I do like you. And that's why I'm confused. I've known you a day, but you already give me butterflies. You make my heart beat out of my chest whenever I see you."

"You don't act like that around me. Nervous, I mean."

"Ruby, please just let me walk you to your room. I can't talk about this." He grabbed my hand and started down the hallway.

"Okay, maybe tomorrow when we have more time, we can-"

"No," he interrupted. "Not tomorrow, not the next day, not ever."

I tore my hand from his. "You can't just say those things to me and then act like it's nothing!" I shouted. "I suppose someone has to try jumping ship to get some real attention around here."

And with that, I stormed off in the direction of the Main Deck.


A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been super busy, and today I came home from school with a fever. :/ so, tell me whatcha think!

Love you all! Thanks for reading!

xoxo, Sam. (:

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