Let's Set Sail

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"Oh my Gosh, Ruby. Look at our room!" Scarlett dropped her bags and ran to the bed. She jumped on it and landed with a light thud.

I'd be underexaggerating if I said this room was meant for a princess. This room was gorgeous. A king sized bed sat in the middle. Red sating sheets with a hanging canopy surrounding it and red fluffy pillows. I walked around the room and caught sight of the bathroom. Everything seemed porcelin like and delicate. The shower head was gold and I wouldn't have been surprised if the water was too. I went down a new hallway and caught sight of a living area. The couch was leather and a chandelier hung over it. Chairs surrounded a glass coffee table, which had candles on it.

"Wow!" Scarlett's voice made me jump. She laughed. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!" She sat on the couch. "So comfy."

I went and sat next to her. "Did we get a ship schedule? If not, I can go ask Admiral Sheeran for one. You know what? I'll go get one." I stood up.

"You just want to go see you lover!" she said sarcastically.

"He's not my 'lover'! He's just very nice. Probably too old anyway." I looked at my feet and knew I was correct. He looked about twenty or twety-one. No way was he going to want anything to do with a sixteen year old.

"Well, maybe he'll be at dinner tonight, which is at seven o'clock," she said, whipping out a schedule.

"Maybe." We stood there in silence for a few moments. A bell sounding interrupted the quiet when we both looked at eachother, eyes wide.

"The Main Deck!" we shouted in unison.

We out the door, grabbing the room key off the table. We ran down the hallway, getting dirty looks from older passengers. "Sorry!" I yelled back, as it looked like I had knocked into an elderly man. I turned forward and collided with a young looking man. We both crashed to the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I apologize, sir! I didn't mean to run into you!" I looked up. He had dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. He was with a hispanic looking man. They both had brown laundry bags, which I was guessing was their luggage.

"Uh, no problem. It was my fault." He stood and helped me up. "I was just in a hurry to watch us set sail."

"Us too!" I heard Scarlett yell from up the hallway. "And if we all don't hurry, we'll miss it!" The two men and I exchanged looks before laughing and running the rest of the way to the deck.


"I'm Jack. This is Fabrizio." We were waiting on the deck for the ship to leave the dock.

"I'm Ruby, and this is Scarlett." We all shook hands.

"You two look like you just found out you were boarding the ship," Scarlett giggled.

"Well, we did! We just won a poker game. Turns out the prize was two third class tickets." Jack and Fabrizio high fived eachother with huge grins on their faces.

"Oh! That's amazing!" I said. Just then, the boat roared. People started yelling and waving to people left out on the dock. Scarlett and I really had nobody to wave too. Jack and Fabrizio seemed too.

"Is your family out there?" I yelled to Fabrizio.

"No, just happy waving!" he replied in a thick Hispanic accent.

I smiled, loving his enthusiasm. "Well that's a splendid idea!" I lifted my arm and waved to whoever was willing to wave back. Scarlett looked at me, laughed, and started doing the same.

"Wooooo!" Jack yelled at the people on the dock started becoming little specks. "This is great! This is the start of a whole new life! A whole new adventure! I love this!"

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