I Owe it All to You, My Little Bird

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The color black is a magical color. It can stand for many things and relate to a lot of situations. When you're sad, you can see things in black and white. You can feel like you're falling into a black hole. At funerals, people wear black. But, the people who see the most black are usually supposed to be the one's who deserve the rainbow. Birds see only black and white, but they fly around and still act like they're having the time of their lives.

When I saw black, I felt like I was seeing white. Death does that to you. I had lost Scarlett; I had saved Gregory; I had done my best at doing what I could, but if I couldn't live without either of them, what exactly was I living for? What was I going to New York for? Wasn't it to be with Scarlett? 

I was found, nonetheless, as the lifeboats came back for one more search. I was lifted off of whatever board had saved me from floating to the bottom of the sea. I suppose when I got in the boat, there was little room. I was later told Rose made room for me, as she was in the same boat. There was no sign of Jack anywhere when I got off the lifeboat. I decided I should not ask questions, so I didn't. Rose was probably upset, as I would be as well if she were to tell me he really was gone. He was sweet and kind to me, as well as to everyone around him. If I had not met Gregory, I probably would have fallen for Jack immediately. He was one of those people that showed true inner beauty and didn't care what others thought of him. That's what I wanted, and that's what most people found intriguing.

Gregory. Sweet, dangerous, tempting, beautiful Gregory. I found him when I got off the dock. But not the way I wanted to. He was standing with someone. With a woman. She had long, blond hair and red, strawberry lips. The must have tasted like strawberries as well, because Gregory couldn't get enough.

A reporter with a camera rushed to them. "Admiral Sheeran reunites with his wife after Titanic crash! This will make for a smashing headline! May I get a picture, please?" The woman nodded and moved closer into Gregory, placing her hand on his chest. He wrapped one of his arms around her waist, as he had done to me many times. The camera flashed and people clapped and cheered at their reuniting.

Tears silently fell down my face, as I had realized what was happening. This wasn't something to take lightly, of course, as he had lied to three hearts. Mine, Rose's, and his own wife's.

When he said he wanted to get off the ship with me, he was planning on leaving his wife. I couldn't bear think of this anymore.

I looked at the couple again, their smiling faces, and the woman's eyes flooded with tears of joy. If only she knew. Suddenly he looked up, as if to look around for someone. He glanced in my direction and he found me. His eyes met mine, and they deadlocked. They widened as he began to look nervous. I stood and stared, emotionless, back into his eyes. I was hurt. Finally, I knew what I had to do. I disconnected from his eyes and turned around. I made one more glance over my shoulder to see him looking at his feet. That was the last I saw of him. The last I saw of anything, as everything else is now a blur. 

I finish this story, as I finish my story as well. The shelter was kind enough to take me in, as I am only sixteen. Soon, I would be seventeen, but I will not wait for that. My bestfriend, love, and hope is gone and washed away at the bottom of the sea, along with a ship that many thought of as Unsinkable.

There's a bird at my window, and it's broken it's leg. I wonder if it ever gives up on it's flying, though. Do they do things that easily? Do they pray for a new life? I want to name it before I go. I'm thinking of Ruby. It will soon die from not being able to fly anywhere to get food or water. It won't move on from the thing that's holding it down. Yes, I think the name Ruby fits it perfectly.

The shelter is next to the ocean, and the ocean is next to my fate. I have a rock for my foot and now a story for whoever finds it. 


^4 Years Later6


Ruby Horan's diary found in her bedroom of the TITANIC SAVIOR SHELTER four years ago brings up questions of today. We finally get hold of her long lost love. Gregory Sheeran, the love of her in this story, shares his thoughts on the situation.

"Confessions. I have so many confessions. They will end up killing me. There is no lie in that, for I have done things unspeakable. Let's start with my love life.

"I boarded the Titanic, kissing my loving wife goodbye, but a little more money in my pocket than she knew about. I was paid to do something that nobody was allowed to know of. After setting sail, I had met Rose, and she was beautiful. But soon, I knew well enough it was a bad idea. I had fallen under her spell soon enough, though, but then I met Ruby.

"Ruby was a beautiful girl. Young, exciting, new. She was starting fresh and knew what she wanted in life; to be successful. I quickly fell in love, as any man would do over a woman like this. The age didn't matter to either of us, and I left out the part that I was in a relationship with my, now ex, wife. 

"Fast forward to the night of the wreck. I was working the coordinate's the night before, which were calibrating the system to make sure the ship was heading in the right direction. But the money was still sitting in my room from what I was supposed to do, so I went up to the watch tower and told Admiral Nicholas he had the night off. He was my best friend my whole life and trusted me with his life. In case you're wondering, he's living happily with his new wife in Michigan. He was in love with Ruby's best friend, Scarlett, who did not make it home from the wreck.

"I went to the coordinate's room, dialed in the exact coordinate's the men with the money gave me. I then left the room, and the watch tower, unattended. We soon arrived to the ice burg I had been waiting for. I decided mid crash that I would go down with the ship. It would save me the trouble of people finding me or finding out what happened. It would save Ruby's heart from breaking, and it would save my wife the trouble of knowing about Ruby. I was married young, I know. I'm a horrible man and will never forgive myself. After this article is published, I will be sent to prison for killing so many people. I will deserve it, as well. But I will be safer there, and I will take what punishment comes to me.

"Ruby saving me from drowning was the second worst thing that ever happened to me. Truly loving her was the first."

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