Chapter Thirty Seven: Frosty

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{credits: unknown
If you know the artist in question, please comment so I may give the proper credits to the creator. Thank you.}

Lance was starting to freak.

All of a sudden he was starting to feel brand new things for Keith, and he didn't know what it meant. Sure he was over Lotor at this point, and yeah maybe he had accidentally rebounded on Keith..but now he was actually starting to feel things.

A part of Lance was embarrassed and wanted it to stop. He thought he shouldn't be getting into things with a coworker of all people, much less Keith. If he and keith end up in an awkward scenario, he still has to share a life in a tiny train car with him until their tour is over. And even then, he'll have to do it all again when their next tour comes up.

Another part of Lance was his hopeless romantic side. His "take him on a date" side, his blushing cheeks and heavy sighs and anonymous love letter side that he wanted so badly. All Lance ever knew he truly wanted was that he wanted to settle down and find a nice person to marry and love and grow old with, and god damn If he didn't pray every night at his bedside and thank Abuelita for his good looks and wish and hope that some handsome man would scoop him up and make him a groom.

Keith was one handsome train wreck, and Lance was starting to fall for him.

He relaxed in the warm tub, the hot water rolling over his bare body. "So Keith.." he said, trying to stir up a conversation with the pink-cheeked boy.

"When are you gonna take me on that date?" He flirted shamelessly, prepping himself for any sort of rejection necessary. Lance was practically a trained professional in the art of holding in your tears.

Keith stammered, remembering on the train when he flirted with Lance and said he would take him on a date. His cheeks grew even more pink, the steam radiating from the tub and Lances bare body surely not helping the colors drain anytime soon.

"W-we'll, I dunno I was still uhm..I was st-still wondering on ah where to..where to take you." He said, giving Lance a nervous smile.

Lance cocked one eyebrow up higher than the other, and he smirked, sending a shiver up Keith's spine. "Really? You know Keith I may be one spoiled brat but you could take me to Wendy's and i'd be happy~" he smiled, closing his eyes and relaxing in the tub.

Suddenly Keith's heart rate slowed. He was nervous, thinking that Lance's standards were so high he couldn't get up there. But it turns out that underneath the glitz and glam of Lance's Lady Gaga personality, he was just a boy from Cuba. A sweet, loving boy who grew up in a big family and learned to cherish the luxuries he earned.

Earned. Not given.

Lance didn't grow up with much. A huge family and pets and a home to pay for meant that there were less fancy dresses from high class stores and more moderate dresses from his older sisters. If they even gave us their precious dresses. For a long time Lance's closet was made up of Luis' old clothing and Abuelitas dresses from the 50's. Now that he was beginning to accumulate a fat bank account and fame, he could afford some of the finer things in life. But deep down, Lance was still humble, and he thanked god nightly for his blessing.

Keith smiled softly. Lance was a sweet, humble character. He may have the taste of Beyoncé, but he has the gratefulness and thankfulness too.
His mama wouldn't let him get away with not being thankful for his life and his blessings.

"Alright." Keith smiled, leaning back in the tub.

"We're going to Wendy's"


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