Chapter 14-the scent of jasmine

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{photo by Elentori}

Late at night, long after Keith was supposed to go to bed, he took out his earphones. They had been bugging him.

That's when he heard it.

He heard the sound of stifled sobs and choked back crying. He heard the sounds of sniffling and upset noises.

Lance was crying himself to sleep. And Keith hadn't noticed. He sat up, looking across. Lance immediately stopped making noise, faking sleep. He had heard Keith's bed squeak when he sat up.

Lance cursed in his head for being too loud. Keith slid out of bed and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Lance..can I..erm.."

Lance knew.

He wanted to as well.

Without a word, Lance scooted over to the other side of the bed, allowing Keith to crawl in as he pleased. Gently, Keith draped an arm over him, hoping to comfort the boy.

"I'm sorry.." Lance whispered, only to be shushed by Keith.

"Don't be sorry, Lance." He whispered tenderly.

"I do it too."

Slowly, Lance succumbed to Keith's warmth and curled up in the blankets, letting his comforting arm and soft breaths against the back of his neck lull him into a safe and caring sleep.

Meanwhile, Keith stayed awake.

Why was he doing this? Why was he in Lance's bed? Curled up next to the Cuban boy with his arm around him?

Why did he get so close when he barely knew him? Keith and Lance were mere acquaintances, not best buddies like he was with Hunk, Pidge, Allura and Shiro.

Lance and Keith lived together and worked together, and that was about it. They talked sometimes but not often.

Keith hated himself for boxing up like that. He hated that whenever Lance spoke to him, his stomach churned and he couldn't find the right words.

Why did he get so damn nervous around him?! Why did he choke on his words when Lance spoke and why did his stomach fill with creepy crawlies when he entered the room?

Why was it mind numbing to see his faint caramel shadow in the smoky glass of their bathroom door?

Why was it heart stopping when Lance walked into the living room in a pair of tight yoga pants that showed off his hip dips and long slender legs?

Why did Keith get so fumbly and weird around this boy? Honestly, Lance could breathe and Keith would choke.

He didn't understand this feeling at all. He'd been surrounded with boys like Lance for his whole life in the home, and not once did he get this weird fluttery feeling.

It was so weird and Keith didn't understand it.

Slowly, his thoughts began to fade in and out, and Keith drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

In the night, Lance pressed against him, Keith's chest up against Lance's back. They fit like puzzle pieces.

Lance was warm.

Keith was comforting.

And for once, Lance felt at home in Keith's arms.

Lance felt free.

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