Chapter Thirty Four- twist and twirl

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{credit unknown. Please send me the name of the creator so I can give proper credit}

Keith was star struck, for a moment. He didn't think Lance could get that brave or flirtatious—but it seems like he was wrong. Lance did have that gusto in him, apparently.

Keith blushed, drying off, dressing, and quickly following after Lance. He was about halfway down the hall, and Keith found himself speedwalking to keep up with him. Lance smiled, opening the elevator and grinning, knowing Keith was gonna get stuck behind.

He mushed the "close door" button over and over again, but it didn't work.
Keith got inside and laughed, chuckling as Lance crossed his arms and pouted.
"You weren't supposed to make it in here!" Lance said, sticking his nose in the air and crossing his arms.

Typical Lance.

Typical, beautiful, smartass Lance.

Keith smiled and sent a wink in his direction.
"I'm not supposed to be in lots of places, yet here I am." He said, smiling.

"Maybe that's just how it is with me."

Lance smiled at him and they rode down to the lobby, grouping up with the rest of the team and getting into the car quickly.

The paparazzi were unforgiving people.

The ride to the stadium was long, but it felt very quick. Probably due to the excitement in the air.

The team arrived and headed backstage, getting prepared for their routines and doing extra touch ups.

In Pidge's corner, she practiced spinning plates on sticks, wanting to make sure her balance was right.

In Hunk's corner, he was lifting heavy weights, prepping himself for his routine. He had to lift up a picnic table with his girlfriend, Shay, on top.

In Keith's corner, he was on the floor, twisting himself into the cutest little pretzel Germany had ever seen. Alone in the privacy of his corner, keith bent and spread his legs every which way. It was complex, but interesting.

In Shiro's corner, he prepared to take on the beast, the fury, the roaring giant: blackie. Shiro as the lion tamer had full control over a gorgeous, but ferocious midnight black lion.

And finally, in Lance's corner, he busied himself with prettying up his ribbons. They were stark blue, matching to his uniform, but they needed a bit more flare. So he was adding little sparkles and lace to the edges.

Coran visited his corner.
"Lance! You'll be the fourth act of the night for this show! First goes number 2, then number 5, followed by number 4 , you, and then Allura and number 1!" He smiles. Lance nods like he understands and smiles back at Coran.

Coran is a very odd person, but they love him anyway.

Coran walked up to Hunks corner, letting him know he'd be the first out there.

Coran walked out onto stage as the curtains opened, beginning the show with his iconic introduction, welcoming the guests to the show and letting the second set of curtains rise.

Hunk stood, beginning his routine of tossing and catching heavy objects like they weighed nothing. He ended his routine with Shay, and like lightning, the second set of curtains dropped before rising again.

Pidge was there this time. The backdrop had changed entirely, and she was wearing her funky glasses that spun around like hypnotizing spinners. She walked around the stage on stilts, balancing her spinning plates as she continued her routine.

Pidge finished her spinning plates trick and began to attempt hypnosis on the crowd, managing to get some of them under her spell. Pidge ended her routine, and out came Keith.

Keith began his routine and Lance watched from the sidelines. He never payed too much attention before, but now he would. Keith looked stunning. He twisted himself this way and that, swallowing fire and blowing it out like a furious dragon.

Lance climbed up and got ready to descend. As Keith's routine ended, blue smoke filtered out on stage and the music began. Lance danced in midair, smirking as he twirled and twisted in the ribbon. He was absolutely beautiful.

Then, he began his trapeze performance, swinging left and right, doing flips and dances midair as the crowd oohed and awed at his performance. He smiled, dropping down onto the net before bowing, heading backstage.

Lance wiped his brow of sweat.

"God..that took too long." He said, panting heavily as he crashed down on the sofa backstage. Keith was standing there, getting a drink to ease his burning throat.

Lance blushed, remembering how..ahem..good Keith looked when he was twisting his body all around. He smiled softly, cheeks flushing pink.

"You did good out there, Keith." Lance smiled.

Keith looked over to him and blushed.

"Oh..uh. Thank you. You did good too." He said. The two made eye contact, cheeks pink. Pidge sighed from her spot on the couch.

"Idiots..." She said, knowing how lovestruck the two were.

They were lovestruck. Too lovestruck.

But they would find out soon enough just how lovestruck they were

~839 words~

My apologies for taking so long aha..I'm horribly busy. I think I'm going to do an update a month. Just finished season 8 and Jesus it was a doozy. I think we can all agree Lance and Allura deserved better.


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