Chapter Thirty Six-Feelings

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{photo by Salamandra Imoral}

Lance relaxed in the hot tub, enjoying how warm it felt on his back.

Keith was staring at him from the other side of the tub.

He was in the water down to his nose, and he was watching Lances every move. Lance would have been creeped out; but he knew better. Maybe if he talked to Keith he wouldn't be so tense.

Lance swam across the spring, standing up and making his way over to him. He was stood up to his hips, so he could wade through the water.

Uh oh. Here he comes.

Lance parked himself down next to Keith, who promptly turned pink, and then Lance opened up for conversation.

"So. How do you think the show tomorrow will be?" He asked Keith eagerly, resting his head on the side of the tub and humming.

Keith stammered

"W-well uh..I-I don't know much about my performance but I sure do know that your performance is going to be amazing." He blushed, trying not to get too flustered.

Lance blushed as well, his tanned cheeks turning rosy as Keith sent compliments his direction.
"Thank you~" he smiled, embarrassed. The two had nothing much to say.

It was a little too awkward.

Lance relaxed, splashing Keith lightly as the two laid back in the warm tub. It was incredibly peaceful. So peaceful.

Lance smiled at him. He had to admit, Keith was a sweet boy. Even when he was grumpy he was nice.

Lance felt his heart rate increase as he watched Keith.

He truly was a pretty man.

~267 words~

I am incredibly sorry for such an embarrassingly short chapter, but even more for the fact that it took me three months to just get this out. I have been so drained on how to get all this out and I have procrastinated on you too much. Any suggestions for how I should pick up the pace? My apologies once again.


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