Chapter nineteen-Mon Chérie

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{photo by Elentori}

Lance eyed the man from afar. He looked so..stunning. So intriguing.

Lance slowly walked away from the group. The man hung up from his phone call and looked toward him.

Lance's sparkling blue eyes met with enchanting tanzanite eyes. They sparkled and glittered with mystery and wonder.

The man started walking towards him, and Lance felt his tanned cheeks go pink. He didn't move. He didn't want to scare him off.

The man walked up and gave him a smile.


His voice was deep and rich. It flowed through Lance's ears like a thick, enchanting melody. He smiled.

"I recognize you."

He had the most luxurious french accent Lance had ever heard. Everything about this mysterious man seemed too good to be true. He smiled and chewed on his lip nervously.

"I know you."

The man smiled sweetly and took Lance's hand gently, bringing it up to his lips and pressing a lingering kiss to his knuckles.

"Lance McClain. The famous aerial dancer. It's a pleasure to meet you~" the man purred. Lance felt his cheeks go pink, and he smiled shyly.

"A-and who might you be?" He stuttered nervously, absolutely tickled pink by this beautiful stranger.

"My name is Lotor Labelle." He smiled, letting go of Lance's hand. Lotor was the most..entrancing person Lance had ever met.

"Where are you heading off to, Monsieur?"

Lance blushed.

"Just out to breakfast with my teammates, and then to tour the city." Lance responded, gazing up into Lotor's sparkling eyes. Around the sea of shimmering purple was a ring of gold. Truly royal eyes.

"Would you join me for lunch later at the AlKaram restaurant in Paris? It would be so wonderful if we could get to know one another more." Lotor smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.

"I could take you wherever you'd like to go today."

It was an offer Lance couldn't refuse. He nodded his head and smiled. Lotor smiled back, happy.

"It's a date."

Lance blushed as the words slipped past Lotor's lips, and he smiled back.

"Twelve o' clock?" Lotor asked, reviving a nod from Lance.

"Then I will see you at noon, mon chéri~"

Lotor left a gentle kiss on Lance's cheek before saying goodbye, waving to him as he walked down the stairs and to his limousine.

Lance stood there in awe as he walked off, cheek tingling from Lotor's gentle kiss.

"Dios mío, ese hombre es un zorro sexy.." Lance whispered to himself, smiling like a dork.

Far off, the team was watching the entire encounter. Allura was jumping around excitedly and waving her hands, Shiro was chuckling in that dadly way, Pidge was holding her phone up to take pictures, and Hunk was holding in all his squeals.

Oh, and Keith?

Keith was insanely, over dramatically, righteously jealous.

But of course.

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