Chapter twenty three-melancholy hill

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{photo by velolesmells}

The next morning, Keith got a new key from the lobby and went into his room.

He needed to clean the fuck up.

Keith immediately started stripping, tossing his phone on the bed and pulling off his hoodie. He smelled it and decided that his mementos of 2005 could be washed.

Keith pulled his sweatpants and boxers down, taking his hair out of the sloppy ponytail and looking in the mirror.


Keith made a disgusted face and went into the bathroom, seeing all of Lance's junk on the countertop. Now. What could he put on to make himself smell good?

Keith grabbed some stuff he saw Lance use on a daily basis. He picked out vanilla scented ones, since it was his favorite. Next to jasmine of course. But he didn't want Lance to run out of Jasmine products so fast.

Keith loved how Lance smelled after jasmine showers. How the steam from the bathroom smelled exactly like him. How his silky robe clung to his wet skin. Damn. Get the weird thoughts out of your head, Keith, sheesh.

Keith stole some of his products and got in the hot shower, reading the labels and trying to find out how to use them. Hm. Seemed easy enough.

Keith squirted some body milk in his hand and began washing himself, letting the cool vanilla liquid run down his abdomen and over his thighs and calves, washing himself off. He took a bar of soap and scrubbed it into a wash rag, scrubbing under his arms.

Keith smiled softly and hummed. He actually kinda enjoyed this feeling. Being scrubbed. It felt nice.

Keith reached and grabbed the shampoo, starting to wash his hair out. He smiled, scrubbing his white and black locks, humming as he cleaned himself. He felt so warm. So good.

Keith sighed after washing himself, rinsing himself clean and then finding it.

A razor.

Keith sighed and sat down in the tub, taking the razor and starting to shave his legs. He sat there for a whole twenty minutes, shaving his legs amateurishly and smiling at the end result. His legs felt so soft.

Keith smiled and sat up, stretching and turning off the shower, grabbing a towel and drying his body off, shaking out his hair. He blowdried it until it was nice and fluffy and combed all the knots out of it. He looked good. Super good. And he felt super good!

No wonder Lance liked being so clean and fresh~

Now. Time for the real work. Keith rubbed deodorant under his arms and went out to his bag, picking out an outfit. This would work..right? He'd look good ultimately?

Keith pulled on a white tanktop, thankful it had no stains on it. Over it he pulled on a red flannel and left it unbuttoned. That looked okay, right?

Keith pulled on a pair of jeans with some rips in them, putting on a real person belt and finding socks. He pulled on his red boots, tying up the laces. He looked in the mirror. He looked..pretty good. He smiled, tying his hair up in a ponytail and looking around for some accessories.

He found an old gray beanie with some pins on it and put it on, smiling at the mirror. He actually looked pretty good. He dug through his bags and found a container of cologne, spraying some on and smiling. There was a knock on the door.

Keith flushed. What if it was Lance? What if it was Lance and his crusty musty dusty ugly boyfriend?

Keith opened up. Shiro stood there, just getting off a phone call. He looked Keith up and down.

"Who are you and what have you done with my little brother?"



At twelve o' clock, the group waited outside for Lotor's car, the sun hidden by some clouds in the sky. They were going out for brunch and then to see their new train for the euro tour.

Lance was looking out the window, Lotor's arm wrapped around his waist. They were discussing something odd: money. Lotor's had brought up the question of what Lance had been doing with all of his money. They had never really discussed this before. It was like yet unlike Lotor to be so..I don't know..poke-in-others-business like? But whatever. It's Lotor. He's rich. Bound to ask about that

When Lance saw the group he rolled down the window, waving to his friends and jumping out when the car stopped. He hugged Hunk and Pidge before seeing someone he didn't recognize.


Oh my.

Lance felt his cheeks get hot. Was that really Keith? Dressed up NICE? With his hair UP? And not just up, WHITE?

Lance felt his caramel cheeks go pinker and pinker the longer he looked at him. He felt Lotor's arm on his waist as he walked up to Keith.

"Hi, Keith." He blushed, swallowing thickly as Keith looked up. He felt his body turn to jello when Keith gave him that soft smile, blushing.

Did vanilla?

"You look good Keith." He blushed, subtly complimenting him while his boyfriend hovered over his shoulders. He looked really really good.

Keith smiled at him. "Thanks. You look really pretty." He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind Lance's ear, making him shudder. Lotor pouted and looked away, humphing and getting Lance's attention again.

Lotor smirked as Lance kissed his cheek, and Keith furrowed his brows. Ugly crusty musty sniveling little bitch.

Lance smiled at Keith again before joining the others, Lotor clinging to him like a needy puppy. Blegh. Someone bleach me.

Keith sighed and crossed his arms, taking that moody stance. If he wanted to win Lance, he'd have to act it. Maybe strike up some conversation with him during brunch and step past the "awkward-I-tried-to-kiss-you-acquaintance" stage and into the friend stage.

Keith smiled to himself, walking to the car with everyone else and trying to distract from the sight of Lotor and Lance clinging to one another like parasites. Once again: blegh.

Keith sat down and turned on his music, smiling as a nice song came on. One that wasn't entirely screaming rock music.

"Up on melancholy hill there's a plastic tree.."

"Are you here with me?"

"Looking out on the day of another dream.."

~1065 words~

The song Keith listens to is "Melancholy Hill" by the Gorillaz. It's a pretty chill song! Keith wants to win lance over: what should they talk about during brunch?? Comment for me~


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