What little age are you?

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Activities: Naming games (pointing at things and naming them), peek-a-boo, playing with clay and squishy stuff, pulling silly faces.

2-3 years old ageplay age.

Slowly exiting baby mode, diapers are rare, potty training isn't. They LOVE to get naughty at this stage, they say "no" a lot and get punished a lot. They also love to learn and will ask "why" a lot as well as "no".

Communication: The little can now form sentences from up to 2 words (me juice, I hungry, love mommy, love daddy). The little still struggles with certain pronunciation but they get good at saying harder words. "th", "f" still can't be pronounced and sentences often miss words like "a", "the".

Movement: The little can walk around very well but will still stumble once in a while so don't let your guard down just yet, loves to try to run around and is very playful.

Activities: The little is very active and playful and will want to start playing with balls and ride scooters and solve puzzles and sing and dressup. Neediness and independance switch on the hour so it can be quite fun to watch.

Side-notes: The caregivers will have their hands full with all the boo boos the little will be getting at this stage. The littles tend to have random fears at this stage. Fear of dark or monsters under the bed are common. The caregivers will need to reassure that they are safe. The caregivers will also need to be stern to deal with the little being naughty (which is a lot).

3-4 years old ageplay age.

The little is an adult now... The little is the boss now.. Edit: Some still use diapers and some are still potty training, forgot to mention..

Communication: The little is in the "telegraphic" stage of talking. They can form sentences up to 5 words which often miss out many grammatical functions like determiners (a, the, an..) and prepositions (in, on, under...). Example: "We go park now", "me go nap nap"... They can apply concepts lie the past tense to their sentences by using the past tense inflection "ed" and they will apply it everywhere (I swimmed, we goed, I doed). They can now understand more complex concepts like grandure. Ther pronoun use improves but they still might make the odd error like saying "me wants" instead of "I want". They can and will use more question words than "why" now and can link sentences together with "and".

Diet: The littles are adult now, they can have all the sweets they wants.... vegetables are banned of course.

Movement: Walking, running, jumping, falling...

Activities: They will enjoy being read longer stories as they can understand more words now. Colouring, playing games, performing more complex movements as they are more confident now.

Side-note: The little can be very awkward to deal with and will test the caregivers patience extensively. As a result, discipline and routine is absolutely important. The punishments have to be consistent and properly executed or the little will get confused. The little is very prone to temper tantrums at this stage of age regression so consistency is key when it comes to routines, keep their bedtime, meal times and hygiene in check and consistent and they won't misbehave as much.

4-5 years old ageplay age.

The little hit an increased development phase both physically and mentally. They crave a lot more carbs. They also become very self aware and shy when it matters. Anxiety is high in this area of regression, thus a lot of energy and time is being put into trust building with the caregiver.

Communication: The littles talk well, only Rs and such give them issues.

Diet: sandwiches (pbj), cookies, cereal, veggie bits, fruits, cheeses, pastas and pastry, sweets...

Movement: Walking is mostly fine at this point but some littles still walk slowly and carefully, using hands for stability.

Activities: Telling stories, singing, practicing talking, drawing, colouring, watching cartoons / Disney movies, nibbling stuff, hide and seek, running around, catch, read childrens books, legos, bubble baths, playing with stuffies.

5-7 years old ageplay age.

The trust building phase is still going.

Communication: The littles talk well now, only some advanced sentences and words give them issues.

Diet: Pastas and pastries, sandwiches, cookies, cereals, lots of sweets...

Movement: Movement is a little bit more advanced than the previous year but still an ocassional stumble here and there.

Activities: Hide and seek, running around, catch, board games, colouring, watching cartoons, Disney movies, drawing, telling stories, read childrens books, more cuddling and mingling, dancing, bubble baths, playing with stuffies.

Advice for Caregivers: You have to be very consistent during the trust building phase. The more you insist on a healthy routine, safe habits, proper diet with lots of veggies, enforce rules, the more you're showing the little that you care and trust will build up easier. Be consistent. The brats act bratty during this time to test you, part of trust building is proving yourself to your little.

7-10 years old ageplay age.

Trust between the little and Caregiver is very rooted now and the little sees the Caregiver as a safe place, a protector, a guide.. More advanced development may begin now under the Caregivers watchful eye. The little is on the path to becoming a middle. She likes to go on adventures, explore, learn about adult life..

Communication: Communication is advanced at this point, not words are misspoken and sentences well made.

Movement: Movement is very advanced, the little is able to walk, run, jump, swim without any issues.

Activities: Card games, board games, trivia and such. Competitive games. More adult movies, series, anime and books. Outside activities like walking or exercising with the Caregiver. Experimenting with cooking. Arts and crafts. ADVENTURES!

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