What is a Caregiver?

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Caregivers are:

1. Caring

2. Compassionate

3. Understanding

4. Gentle

5. Kind

6. Tender

7. Affectionate

8. Driven to guide, nurture, and protect

9. Get happiness from cherishing their partner's uniqueness and childish personality

10. Have the desire to take care of their partner

11. Common romantic view: the "need to be needed" excessively, beyond that of the average relationship. More than simply being the main or sole bread winner. A desired codependency. Perhaps for typical non-CGL persons, this codependency sought would be considered extreme or "unhealthy".

Motherly Personalities

A mother's love is the strongest form of love. It is impenetrable. She is most caring and gentle with her children, wanting to sacrifice her own time for their joy and personal growth. She tends to their smallest of needs, concerns, wounds, and unhappy feelings. Her eyes light up bright when her little one smiles excitedly, and those times they mumble out, "I love you, Mommy."

A mother's guidance is well describe as a Mother Knows Best Persuasion where she gently brings her child into the best life they can lead. A Caregiver/little example may be something like...

Mommy-type guidance: "Aww, no, Sweetie! You're much, much too little to be wearing big boy undies. Here, let Mommy put on a nice, cozy diaper for your bottom. My baby boy wants to be cozy, cozy, doesn't he?"

Fatherly Personalities

A father's devotion is intense. He is the kind protector, ready to take on the world to protect his little one's heart, body, and soul. He is most gentle to his little one, but strong and confident to the outside world. He lowers his walls to help his little one learn and experience the world safely.

A father's strength is a watchful eye that's ready to step in and take charge. It's where he brings his child to the best life they can lead in the most nurturing environment. A Caregiver/little example of this may be something like...

Daddy-type protection: "Oh, Little One, no-no. You may accidentally burn your hand if you try to make a big girl meal on the stove. Little girls don't play with the hot stove. It would make Daddy so sad to see you get a burn ouchie. Let Daddy help you make you some healthy yummies."

All Caregivers
Mommies, Daddies, and More

Good parents love their children beyond words. They do what is best for the child, and sacrifice themselves in ways to give their children more than what they have had.

Much like a parent, a Caregiver-type (Mommy, Daddy, or other name-choice identifying as this type) should display the above qualities. Mommies should also be protective, and Daddies should also offer plenty of guidance so these roles are interchangeable, being categorized as Caregivers. They want to see their partner succeed in life and be happy. They want to be heavily involved in their lives and take extra time to care about even the smallest of troubles. They want to be the person to uplift them and cheer them on with their interests--even if it's just successfully coloring a difficult coloring page! They take pride in their partner and feel valuable when providing extra attention.

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