Important Terms

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What is age regression?

Age regression is when somebody reverts to a child-like state of mind, often as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Basically age regressors are more at-peace and worry-free whilst in "little space" (A term for when one is in said mindset). These people simply need breaks from the stress of being old and often have a childish personality even outside of regression (Though sometimes it's not as obvious).
Contrary to popular belief, is NOT a kink or even related to sexual intercourse whatsoever. Some age regressors refer to themselves as and to their significant other as "Daddy", "Mommy", or just as their "Caregiver" Since they'd typically take care of their "Little" as if they're an actual child.In the ddlg/ddlb/mdlg/mdlb community however, it is known as a kink. There is nothing wrong with that at all by the way. 

What is little space?

Little space is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable  in their adolescence. An adult in may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult sexual interaction during their time in little space. While in little space, the adult is usually, but not always, referred to as an adult baby, little, or middle. A standard that all people interacting and involved in this type of scene is that they are all of legal adult age.

What is a caregiver?

A caregiver in ddlg terms is the Dominant Role in the relationship, and based on how your relationship can work; it can mean just being there to making all the decisions and solely caring for your little boy or girl.

What types of littles are there?

ADULT BABY ~ An Adult Baby is a little with the youngest age regression. Think diapers, pacis and sippy bottles/cups, cribs and tons of stuffies!

BABYGIRL ~ A Babygirl doesn't necessarily identity with a certain age. They are emotionally sensitive and child-like in life. Tend to be submissive.

BRATS ~ A brat can be either submissive or a non-submissive. Some like to disobey to be tamed or just enjoy mild to extreme punishment. Whereas some just do not wish to submit or to be punished, just want their way. A brat can be in any age range!

LITTLES ~ Little is just a broad term for a wide age range! A term for someone who isn't sure what their little age is, or just has a fluctuating age range!

MIDDLES ~ A middle is a general term of an older little. A bit older on the age scale, anywhere from 7 to the double digits. Generally more independent and enjoy cartoons, colouring and tons and tons of stuffies!

NYMPHETS ~ A middle who is generally bratty, promiscuous and sexually forward.

PETS ~ This is a more broad range, including; kittens, bunnies, wolves, puppies, foxes and many, many more. Much like a kitten they can be any age range and enjoy being played with, pet and taken care of! Again, think collars, cute ears, tags, toys and tails!

KITTENS ~ A kitten is a more popular pet in DDLG. Enjoy being pet, played with and taken care of. A Kitten can be any age as well. Think cute little kitten ears, collars, tags, toys and tails!

IMPS~ An imp is similar to a pet, many of them enjoy being collared, played with and taken care of. What defines an imp is their mischievous ways (similar to a brat).

SWITCHES ~ A switch is someone who identifies as both a Little and a Caregiver. How often one goes into Caregiver or Little mode is dependent on the individual.

DOMINANT LITTLES ~ A dominant little is a little that "calls the shots" in a DD/LG relationship, they still like to be taken care of and need the same amount of nurturing and love as any other little.

SUBMISSIVES~ A submissive is a broad term that can encompass and be embodied by any little at any age. They enjoy being dominated and being taken care of.

Thanks for reading the first chapter!! If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. 

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