40 Questions for Littles

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Disclaimer: Some NSFW things are in here. If you do not want to read that, then skip number 20

Hi hi! Sowwy I've been away lately :(

I've been dealing with a lot of bad feelings and PTSD so I've been seeing my psychologist a lot lately.

I'm hoping to get back into this book. Also, if you have any things you want me to put in this, just comment it.

Otay!! Here we go!

1. My bedtime is 10:30 latest as my daddy says but my medication makes me sweepy so I go at 9:30

2. I wuv baths!! I weally want my daddy not to be long distance so he can give me baths.

3. My favowite candy is CHOCOLATE!! Yummy yummy!

4. My little space age is 3-5 :)))

5. My ideal pet is a puppy dog and a piggy because both of them are coot and smart

6. I just have short hair so there isn't much I can do with it :P

7. I weally like black!! I like spooky fings

8. I don't call this a talent of my own but I do like doing crafts

9. You're Welcome from Moana!!!

10. Halloween because I make the scary stuff. BOO!!

11. My ideal little date would be going shopping for little stuff wif my CG

12. My fave type of food is..... SWEET THINGS? Are you surprised? No? Otay..

13. Favorite little space place?? Blanket fort, yes yes yes.

14. My hobbies are: crafts, singing, going on the trampoline and reading :"3

15. I don't work. I have school to do and I quit my job because it was weally, weally stressful :(

16. I aaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm a student \o/

17. My paci <3 I sleep with it every night

18. When I am looking at little space stuff or I am dealing with bad thoughts or if I'm weally happy, that is what triggers my little space

19. I loooooooove UNO!! I also love snap

20. My ideal caregiver:

- Somebody who listens to me and understands (or at least tries to) me

- Somebody who cares for me by feeding me, bathing me, getting me ready

- In the sexual side of things I am submissive but I'm also a brat who likes to be punished. So I like brat tamers.

- Someone who accepts and goes along with my silliness


- Ideally taller and broader than me but if not, that's A-OK (just a preference, I love people for who they are, not what they look like)

- Likes oral (giving and receiving)

- Is okay that my sex drive isn't very high and may take a while for me to open up that way or possibly not ever have sex

21. I weally want a caregiver to read me bedtime stories ;(((((((

22. My favorite little space outfit is my Stitch onesie, fuzzy sockies, and my gold paci

23. When I'm in little space, I like to paint, craft, cuddle, suck my paci, eat little snackies, watch the Lorax and be silly

24. I don't have any little friends, but I wan sum :((((

25. My favorite stuffie in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD was one I got when I was really little which is my starlight from the saddle club. My second favorite is my alien one from toy story

26. I don't weally play video games, but I like to watch

27. I haven't been out as a little in public, but I have been in little space in public

28. OTAY!!! My favorite little space movies are: The Lorax, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Frankenweinie and Shrek 2. My favorite shows are: Adventure Time, Regular Show, The Wiggles and Paw Patrol (because who doesn't love Paw Patrol??)

29. My best memory in little space is when I curled up in my bed in my stitch onesie, my weighted blanket, my paci and my onesie and watched The Lorax and fell asleep.

30. My ideal rules that my caregiver would give to me (and that I try to follow w/o a CG) are:

- Bedtime at 10

- Clean bedroom

- Eat 3 meals a day

- Drink 8 glasses of water a day

- No sassing (we all know I'll break that rule)

31. I love having apple sauce with my lil spoon and bowl

32. My best friend, my psychologist, whoever is reading this

33. I am most often in little space when I'm dealing with a lot or if I'm in a really good mood

34.  I don't usually have tantrums.. I'm more of a pouter.

35. The art I enjoy the most is painting and crafting with lots of supplies like beads, stickers, string, fabric.. All that jazz

36. Do stuffies count as little space toys?? Also my fidget toys are awesome!!

37. Right now is my last time in little space :D

38. Habits in little space are kicking my legs around, bouncing, pouting, baby voice, weird noises, being extra needy.

39. My ideal superpower would be the ability to do and eat whatever I want and still have the ability to control how my body looks

40. I have two pacies but I weally want a bottle and a sippy cup. I might try using a diaper one day but I'm not sure if that's for me 

Comment what I should do for the next chapter peeeeaaaassss!!!!

I aways wun out of fings to wite...

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