Rules for Littles

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Disclaimer: you don't have to follow all of these rules, do whatever you and your caregiver feel comfortable with and have open discussions with them about this. The same goes for the upcoming chapters on caregiver rules, punishments and rewards. If you feel as though someone in the relationship is forcing you to do something that you aren't comfortable with, please seek help and stay safe <3

1. Listen to what Daddy/Mommy/Caregiver say.

2. No curse words

3. If you are upset or hurt, let Daddy/Mommy/Caregiver know

4. Bed time is no later than 11:00pm unless stated otherwise

5. Keep your bedroom tidy

6. Every morning go to a mirror with Daddy/Mommy/Caregiver and say 5 things you like about yourself. They can also join in and say what they like about themselves too.

7. Your mental health is extremely important. If struggling, talk about it with someone and possibly find a therapist.

8. Use your manners always

Daddy/Mommy/CG and Little Guide [REQUESTS OPEN]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin