"How was your flight Ms?" He asked.

I smiled, I forgot to ask what's his name. I guess I was too tired.

"It was nice, I slept and read my book the whole flight. Kinda jet leg but I'll be fine by the way what's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Hans Farid but you can call me Hans." He smiled.

I nodded, what a unique name.


"Yes?" He asked.

"Do you know any good parks here?" I asked.

With his thinking expression, "I suggest you to go to the KLCC park, it's beautiful and it's a tourist attraction spot."

I nodded, "Well then KLCC park it is."

After he helped me carry my suitcase and place it inside my bedroom. I shake hands with him then he left but before he left he gave me my Malaysian phone number and everything that I need to survive here.

He seems nice and very helpful. Of course because he's doing his job.

I plopped down on the couch and there's this creepy smirk creeping in me again.

"I wanna explore now." I said to myself.

I took a long nice relaxing shower then I put on my super shorts and strapless tank top which I barely wear when I'm in the States.

It's super sunny outside so why not take advantage of it.

"Shit I forgot to text them." I grab my phone and texted the groupchat and Athena that I arrived.

I didn't let Chris know, just for some reasons.

If he knows, he won't let me go and if I see him and spend time with him it only damage me more.

I still love him pero I need to move on and heal.  I guess we're taking a break with our relationship.

You know what's the most cliché thing to say? If you love someone let them go, if it's meant to be then that person you love will come back into your arms.

I rolled my eyes.

"Perhaps it's midnight in the U.S.." I shrugged then I put my phone inside my purse.

Headed out, I whistled a melody while I was walking. Definitely wearing a sunglass right now.

Didn't put a sunscreen but who cares. I can apply aloe vera to the burn area.

Hans told me to explore the KLCC park and that there's a shopping mall there too. So here I am, it's convenient actually that I lived around this area.


The petronas building is so tall and fascinating.

Time to take selfies of me and the building. You think I'm just gonna walk passed the view without snapping it? Pshhhh...

"I wanna get lost here."

"You can." I heard a voice saying it, a manly voice for sure so I turn around and made eye contact with this stranger.

He's tan and tall.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He smiled, "The name is EJ, I saw you just now taking selfies and you're kinda pretty." He said and I sighed.

Boys are always eyeing. It's like they have eyes of a predator and will always do anything to get your number if they have the guts and the bravery.

I raised a brow at him, "Are you sure you're not planning on selling my organs?" I said.

His eyes widened, "Woah woah woah there I'm not a bad guy."

So defensive, "As you can see I'm a foreigner and I'm young, been through some bad shit in the past so I'm sort of trauma when it comes to meeting a hot stranger like you." I said.

He smirked, "So you think I'm hot?"

I shake my head, if he really thinks he's hotter than Christopher Velez then he can go home.

"You know what? I have a boyfriend but he's not here with me because I need to be alone and like omg why am I even telling you all this?" I sighed. Literally face palm myself.

He nodded, "I understand, I didn't mean to pressure you. Well we can still be friends right?" He asked.

I smiled, "Fine, friends."

He smiled, "Friends."

There won't be another guy. It's always will be Christopher Velez that owns my heart.

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