Everyone started to arrived and when Sophie finally did I picked her up in my arms and spun her around as I kissed her. Sophie noticed Sunshine eying us during the party and I reassured Sophie that there was nothing to worry about. Sunshine and I were ancient history and the only relationship there was between us was a friendship. 
"I claimed the guest bedroom tonight, hopefully we'll get some alone time at some point later." 
"Can't wait." Sophie said as I grabbed her hand. 
I leaned into her ear and whispered "I want you so much right now." 
"Looks like you might have to wait a bit babe." Sophie replied teasingly. 
Each day spent with Sophie got better and better and I loved her humor. Sophie was everything I wanted in a woman. Charming, smart, sweet, not to mention incredibly sexy. Everyday, I found myself falling harder and harder for her. Way more than I ever had for Sunshine and that says almost because I nearly loved her. With Sophie I knew I was falling in love with her, there was no doubt in my mind about that. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her softly. Dinner was surprising pleasant due to a lot of drama that had gone down with many of the people sitting around me. One thing I found hard to ignore was the many times Paul glanced over at Christine. I felt for my brother, I knew he was in love with her, there was no denying it. Christine felt the same,  you could see it by the way they looked at each other. I understood why neither of them decided to give it a shot but at the same time I hated seeing them both in pain. 

POV Paul 

After dinner we had all moved to the den and I opened a bottle of champagne for all of us. The next couple minutes consisted of talking and laughing. I noticed Joe walk over to me and whisper something in my ear. I gave a look to Steven and David who were both already looking at me and made my way to the piano. All of our instruments were lounging around just waiting to be played. We decided to play one of our new songs called "Seventeen". It was one of Steven's and it was pretty dan good. After we played it Joe talked into his microphone.  
"A couple of weeks ago, Christine played me a song that she wrote and I want her to come up and sing it because the boys and I learned it and we would love everyone here to listen but we all agreed Christine would be the one to sing it." 
"If Emily will come up and sing the harmony with me." 
"You don't have to ask me twice." Emily said as she got up with Christine. 
Christine looked over at me before saying "Well the intro is started by the piano so that'd be you." I nodded and then began playing the intro and Joe jumped in with the bass line followed by David and finally Steven. Christine and Emily's voices echoed through out the den and them together was a musical powerhouse. They were both so in sync with each other and they loved what they were doing. By the time the song was over Steven and David were shocked by the power of their voices, so was everyone else. Even Janet had a slight smile on her face. 
"Why didn't you ever tell us you had a voice like that." Steven said. 
"I'm nervous, the only ones who had ever heard me had been Paul, Joe and Emily, and Joe only heard me cause he walked in on me singing in the music room when I thought I was alone." 
"Still one of my favorite memories." Joe said smiling at her. 
Christine blushed. 
"I don't think anyone here would have a problem with you and Emily sing it if we ever perform this live, which I'm sure we will." I said as I squeezed her hand softly. 
"We should book a gig at the club David's parents own." Sherrie said. 
"That's a hard no, you know how my dad feels about me being involved in music, he'd kill me." 
"If he say you play, and saw how good you were, maybe he'd see that you were born to be a rockstar." Sherrie responded to him. 
"I agree with Sherrie, you're pretty damn good David." I said looking at him. 
"Fine, I'll work something out with the booking manager." David said giving in. 
"Looks like we've got ourselves our first gig." I said as I smiled. 
After a couple of minutes of jamming, we took a break and I let the radio fill the room. People all around danced and I figured I could use this opportunity to dance with Christine even if it was for one song. I asked Joe and he let me while he grabbed another glass of champagne. "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls played as I asked her to dance. Christine accepted with a smile. I held her but this time not too close. There was a bit of distance between us and it was mostly for Joe's sake. Christine swayed with me as the glass of champagne had gotten to her making her a bit tipsy. Christine had only ever drank once and it was with me and it wasn't strong enough to have an effect on her but this champagne was a but stronger so it started to effect her. A few minutes later, everyone decided to go to the club but Joe and I figured Christine should get home. 
"You can go ahead, I'm going to get her home, and make sure she feels alright." I said to Joe as he nodded and kissed Christine as he walked with the others. Christine was still tipsy so I picked her up in my arms and walked her home. I had to admit I was also a bit buzzy but making sure Christine was okay was still my top priority. When we walked in the house was dark so I turned on some lights. 
"Where are your parents?" I asked. 
"They decided to make Thanksgiving a romantic getaway, they asked me if I was okay with it and I said I was cause I'd spend it with Sophie and then you guys today. They should be back Sunday night." Christine said. 
"Let's get you to bed missy." I said as I picked her up again and carried her up the stairs to her room. I placed her down on her bed and sat with her looking directly at her face. 

POV Christine

A couple of glasses of champagne had clouded my judgement. My knowing of right and wrong had been out the door considering how many drinks I had consumed. Without even thinking I swung my arms around him and kissed him deeply and hungrily. I wanted him and I didn't care what the consequences were. As we kissed I pulled him on top of me as I laid down and we continued kissing. Paul was an expert when it came to this. I felt him zip down my dress and pull it off as he looked at me in awe. 
"You are exquisite Christine, I've never known or even seen a woman more beautiful than you." 
"I love you." I said before even thinking about it. 
"I know...I love you too." Paul said as I kissed him again and he continue to undress me until I my skin was bare. Paul kissed my chest and I reached down to unzip his jeans. I finally touched his hardness for the very first time and Paul watched my cheeks turn bright red as he chuckled. I felt Paul touch my most private area and I moaned when I felt his fingers slip inside me. My body heated up from the pleasure and sensation until finally I felt something much larger slip inside me and I moaned even louder. Paul' body moved slowly and he made sure he wasn't hurting me and I kept reassuring him. Our bodies moved together and in sync very quickly. The first couple of seconds were painful but eventually the pain turned into intense pleasure. I moaned out his name as I came to the most exhilarating orgasm ever. Paul kissed my shoulder softly and thrusted a bit more until he reached his climax as well. After we both finished he dropped down next to me as he looked into my eyes. 
"That was...I don't even know how to describe it." I said as I looked at him still a little tipsy.
"It was passion and love. I didn't fuck you Christine, I made love to you." 
"I can't stop smiling." I said as I continued to smile. 
"I have to go soon but I'll wait till you fall asleep." Paul said as he pulled me into his arms and kissed my head. Not too long after I was fell fast asleep in his loving arms. 

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache and it took me a while to realize I wasn't wearing any clothes. I look at the pillow next to me where there was a rose and a note. It was from Paul and it mentioned how amazing last night was and that he'll never forget it. Tears filled my eyes. I didn't regret it but I was overwhelmed with guilt because of Joe. I knew that after this I had to distance myself from Paul because I crossed a line and I couldn't have it happen again. I'd only speak to him when it came to the music but aside from that I knew I had to cut the ties I had to him. I also couldn't have Joe find out, it would break his heart and that is the last thing I want to do to him. The next morning I asked Paul to meet me outside my house. I got dressed and meet him on my porch. Paul had a smile on his face and he hugged me. I didn't want to do this but I knew it had to be done. After we hugged I looked at him as tears filled my eyes.
"Hey, hey what's wrong." Paul said as he placed his hands on my neck softly. 
"Paul we can't keep doing this to each other...and to Joe." I said as I started sobbing. Paul held me in his arms as I cried. This was one of the hardest thing I've ever had to do. 
"What do you mean?" Paul asked when he let go to look at me again.
"Last night I crossed a line, I don't regret what happened between us but I do regret hurting Joe." 
"Didn't you tell me you weren't even officially dating." 
"That doesn't matter, he hasn't been seeing anyone else and I had promised him I would do the same because what we have is leading somewhere." 
"What is your heart telling you." 
"I can't listen to my heart cause it's only going to lead me into trouble." 
"Christine please don't do this." 
"We can't see each other anymore Paul, only when it involves music but that's all." I said as tears streamed down my cheeks. 
"Fine, if that's what you want..." Paul said as he looked at me with tears in his eyes. As Paul walked away I walked back inside and when I closed the door I began to sob. Why did I do that? I knew why but I wished I could take it back. No. I wished I had never gotten involved with Joe just to spite Paul. Look at the mess I've created for everyone. What was I thinking?

The next two weeks dragged on because it was so close to Winter break. Paul and I barely spoke and barely looked at each other. In that time Joe and I officially became a couple and I couldn't say I was unhappy but I wasn't happy either. On the last Friday of school before our Winter break was our gig and we were all pretty excited. The girls came to my house to get ready while the boys were at Paul's place. I was extremely nervous about singing in front of so many people. There would be an overwhelming amount of people there especially since a live band was performing. After we all got ready, Emily and I started warming up our voices before pilled up into 3 different cars. We were a pretty big group. We got to the club in less than ten minutes and when we walked in my nerves kicked in even more. This would be an unforgettable night.

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