"I went to make sure she was okay after she stormed off and we ended up ditching the party to get pizza. We've been joined at the hip ever-"Sophie is interrupted by a booming voice.

"CHARLOTTE, you're here!" Giovanni shouts with his slight Italian accent as he makes his way to us in his black chef jacket and checked pants. I inhale the familiar aroma of food as he gives me a warm hug.

"Ciao, Nonno," I say adoringly.

Although Giovanni is my boss, we consider each other family. He took a chance on me when I was seventeen years old and has been just as supportive ever since. The small bald man in his mid-sixties was my teacher, confidant, and dear friend.

"Ciao, my beautiful Sophie," he kisses her on the cheek.

He reaches over the table to pat Liam on the back.

"This is Ethan, Giovanni," Liam says by way of introduction.

"Nice to meet you," Ethan says as he reaches over the table and shakes Giovanni's hand.

I'm distracted by his defined forearm that has been made visible by his pulled-up sleeves. Who knew forearms could be sexy? I look up to see Liam looking at me curiously, his brown eyes narrowed. Pretending I wasn't just caught ogling Ethan, I force my attention back to Giovanni.

"It's my pleasure, welcome to my place," Giovanni responds with his hand raised in the air. "Here are your menus," he continues as he passes one to each of us. "Take your time and please Charlotte, help yourself to whatever drinks you guys want."

We all voice our thanks.

"Our star chef may not be working tonight, but I promise to do the best I can," Giovanni says as he shuffles back to the kitchen.

"Very funny, Gi. I've learned everything I know from the maestro." I blow him a kiss and he chuckles in response.

"While you guys decide on what to eat, I'll grab some drinks. What can I get you all?" I ask as everyone begins to peruse the menu I know back to front.

"Beer please," Liam replies.

"And a merlot for me," Sophie adds.

"Let me help you," Ethan says as I look at him.

Before I can refuse his help, he's already on his feet.

"Sure," I say curtly as I get up and make my way to the bar. I wave at Tina, the waitress, in passing and try my best to ignore the presence behind me. No matter how all-consuming it is. I get behind the bar and Ethan stops in front of it.

"What would you like?" I ask in my most professional tone.

"Beer is fine."

He studies me intently. I pretend not to notice as I grab two beers from the refrigerator, place them on the bar and reach for the opener.

"You're really not going to explain yourself?" Ethan states accusingly. 

I open the beers in quick succession with more force than necessary, "I didn't realize I needed to."

Placing the beers on the bench in front of him, I move to the other side of the bar to locate the merlot. The need to get as much distance as possible between us is also at the forefront of my mind. I feel him watching me as I rummage around. Finding an open bottle, I turn toward him. We maintain eye contact as I join him, place the wine on the bench and grab two wine glasses from where they are suspended above me with shaky hands.

When he recognizes that I don't intend to communicate with him, he continues.

"Charlotte, when I asked you on a date, I didn't realize I was going on a date with your best friend. What's going on?" The blatant desire in his narrowed eyes causes my breath to hitch.

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