Love in The Darkness

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Once he had finished dressing it and making sure I was okay, he took my hand and walked me back through across the hall into the room in which I had my awful attack. he pulled back the covers and carefully guided me towards the bed and helped me get in. The sheets were crisp and white but felt cold against my skin. I soon adjusted to the new surface and laid down on the pillows. Chris had freshly plumped them and my head was quickly consumed by the goose feathers within the pillow case. He then pulled the duvet over me and tucked me in as if I was a little girl once again. I missed that most of all about my parents not being around, I hadn't been tucked into bed since I was thirteen. The night before the crash. The night before my world was turned on it's head. I quickly push that horrid memory out of my head and put my attention back on Chris.

"So, you all set?" he asks

"Yeah I think so, I want to thank you for looking after me Chris. I don't deserve you," I looked down at my lap, "I know we got off on the wrong foot and I never really like you to be honest but I think we should start again. And I'm sorry about the party, I mean for getting upset and everything. I just felt like you had used me a little. " I looked up back at his face and saw his sad yet guilty expression. He said nothing.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked

"Um, i don't know. I just feel so bad, I didn't know you felt like that....i so sorry Flo. It was just harmless fun, but the truth is..." he paused and took a long breath, "..I really really like you.."

I smiled and put my hand on top of his and gave it a squeeze. He then slowly got up and turned of the lamp before kissing me on the forehead once again and turning to leave.

"Stay with me?" I asked into the darkness of the spare room. I don't know whether he had already left but I didn't get an answer so I assumed he had. I then laid down in bed and turned over on my side towards the door and away from the tall window. Then I felt the weight shift in the large bed and then big warm arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Ok." he said.

I found his hand in the darkness and interlocked my fingers with his and pulled it up to my face, then kissed his hands.

Then that night, I made up my mind that in fact, I liked him to and I wanted him around. I thought to myself, I think this is a little more than a stupid crush. I smiled to myself and drifted off to sleep in his arms.

You Were Supposed To Save Me From Myself (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now