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We got into his beat up car and he began to drive towards the heart of town. I rummaged around in the side door and found a few CDs and looked through them, trying to find one to put on. Misfits, Slipknot, motley crue, nirvana? Yeah, Nirvana perfect. I opened the old cd case and delicately placed the worn cd into the player at the front of the car. 'Come as you are' suddenly blasted through the vehicle and I was taken aback. It was incredibly loud and I wasn't expecting it to be on at that level at all. But then again, Chris was a screamo vocalist :/ I turned it down to a comfortable volume and began to relax in my comfy black seat. "Love Nirvana." I stated without thinking. I honestly did though, thought that band was bloody wonderful. "Me too, not as much as the heavier bands though obviously" He responded and chuckled the same laugh as he did at breakfast. "Obviously.." I repeated sarcastically giving him a weird look and giggled a little.
Conversation was scarce but the silence was comfortable. After a while of sitting there doing nothing, I began to get restless so I began to tap the beat of the nirvana tracks on the dashboard and before long I was humming and almost muttering the words. I loved to sing but I didn't like singing in public unfortunately I didn't have that much confidence. I mean I probably wasn't any good anyway to be honest. Chris began to hum too and after a few slow minutes we were both singing 'Polly' at the top of our lungs. We'd both laugh if one of our voices broke or if I sang the wrong words which I did a lot! I felt so comfortable in his presence, it was good.
After an hour or so of traffic lights and trying to park, we found a space in a multi-story and got out. "Well that was fun!" I said enthusiastically. "Hell yeah Flo! I really loved that car journey" he said and he came over to my right and kissed my forehead. I felt my whole body twist and tingle just at the touch of his soft lips and cold lip piercings. It was an amazing feeling. I smiled up at him and he beamed down back at me. "Record store?" He proposed. "Record store" I agreed and we began to walk in that direction.
We walked down a side road and was met by a huge old beaten up retro record store. I absolutely loved it here, although I had only visited a few times with Ryan. I loved the bright red interior and the way the paint work was so old it was peeling. We walked in and I closed my eyes as i took in the whole atmosphere of the store. It had a distinct smell of sandlewood incense sticks which were always lit around the store and gave off a smoky addition to the air. I heard a chuckle beside me and I opened one eye to stare up at Chris "problem?" I said trying to sound threatening. I then burst out in laughter and he joined in " you look like such a weirdo" he laughed at me. I punched him in the arm but was met with hard muscle which hurt my hand way more than my fist hurt him. That made him laugh more at the feeble attempt I made to hurt him. He looked at me, taking in how tiny I was in comparison to himself and smiled a smile that made me melt inside. I walked in front and skipped straight to the rock/metal area. He followed and before long we were both heavily armed with CDs to purchase. "I'm just gonna go and buy these, I'll be back in a sec." He said and walked off cheerfully.
Just a second after, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around expecting to see an old friend but was met with something entirely different. "Dwight?" I said, taken off guard. I looked around to see Chris still at the counter. "Flo! Babe!" He replied way too enthusiastically. Dwight was the last boy that I had gone out with and definitely someone I didn't want Chris meeting. His heart was in the right place but at age sixteen, I was scared of commitment, so had swiftly broken it off when he proposed a month before my seventeenth birthday. For about 6 months after that he followed me everywhere, leaving little gifts at my door until I had to firmly tell him to delete my number and stop following me. "Hey!" I said trying to mask my need to run away "what are you doing here?" I said subtly looking in Chris' direction. "I saw you come in and wanted to catch up!" He replied smiling madly. "Dwight, listen. I told you to stop following me. I can't talk to you right now, I think you should leave. I'm sorry." I said firmly. I had to cut him off because of how persistent he was. "What? No! I need to talk to you" He said and I could feel how thick the anger was in his voice which I had tried so hard to prevent. "Okay," I said calmly "I'll leave." And I turned to walk away but was cut short when Dwight launched himself at me and grabbed my arm tightly.
I heard fast heavy footsteps behind me and knew who they belonged to. Chris placed a possessive hand firmly on my shoulder. "Who's this?" He said to me. I turned around to look at him "This is Dwight! Just an old friend." Dwight immediately let go when he saw how tall Chris was. I smiled at Chris to try and reassure him but he wasn't having any of it. He glared past me at my ex. "We're more than friends, you nearly married me Flo!" With that, anguish flared up in Chris as it had at the bar the night before and he got Dwight by the collar and bellowed "Don't you EVER speak to her or grab her again! Or you'll have ME to deal with!" He threw him down and Dwight staggered off out of the shop. My eyes followed Dwight out of the store and then looked at Chris but he looked straight ahead. He was red with anger.
Little was said at lunch and I struggled to get a word out of him. I barely took 3 bites out of my hamburger and he had said he wasn't hungry so hadn't ordered anything for himself. This was exactly what Devon had spoken to me about and I was beginning to realise that although Chris could be extremely gentle, he was over protective and had a dark side. I needed to see Devon. I needed to know more...

You Were Supposed To Save Me From Myself (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now