..the 'party'

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So yeah...I was now ready for this crappy party haha. There were laughs and talking coming from downstairs and my floor was vibrating with the amount of bass going on down there. Urghh I decided to go down and show my face...thats the least I could do. Then grab food and a can, then head back upstairs :) I went downstairs and was met with about 40 other people crammed together between the hall, lounge and kitchen. This will be fun I said to myself. Tonight I wore a tight red dress with black tights and some red stilettos. Dress to impress and all.. ;) so I made my way through the crowd to the fridge getting bumped a bit by other people 'raving' haha. I made it back to the hall and before I went up, I turned to look behind and guess who was staring straight at me? fucking Cerulli -.- I decided to play around a bit and bit my red lipstick lips and seductively smiled at him. I saw his mouth curl at the edges and he gave me that look. HE DID THE BLOODY LOOK! he then raised his eyebrows at me, looked down at my body and back up at me. ..his smile grow wider ;) with that, I flicked my hair turned and walked up the stairs without a second glance. Two can tease bitch...

Once I got up the stairs, I was smiling like an idiot :') this guy!!! I walked towards my room and just as I was going in, I felt some long muscly arms wrap around my waist...it was him and he wanted more teasing I guess :) he grabbed me and slammed me against the wall, pressing himself up against me
"You want me flo..dont deny it, you want me so bad" he whispered seductively in my ear. I couldn't handle it anymore, I grabbed his face in my hands and began to make out with him. Things got heated and I deepened the kiss. I felt his hands touching me and I felt him touch the hem of my dress then went underneath. It was good...very good. We were pressed up against eachother, I could hardly breathe. I then jumped onto him and wrapped my legs around his waist. He then pushed himself against me and began grinding me up against the wall. The whole time, I could feel him getting harder and harder. He started to remove my dress, unzipping it down the front as he kissed my neck. Then he walked away...he dropped me down onto the floor stopped kissing me and left. HE FUCKING LEFT ME.. I didn't know what to do, I just felt tears swell up inside of me and I ran to my bed with my dress half undone. I felt filthy and used. Why the fuck would he do that? I thought he liked me. I cried and cried for about half an hour after that. He didn't come back up again, instead, the noise downstairs had gotten louder. I was still in the same clothes :( I decided to stop crying and got up to look in the mirror. I looked like a whore :( my hair was a mess, my makeup has ran from all the crying. My lipstick was smeared all over my face and my boobs were spilling out of my dress. I felt like shit. He was shit. Omg he's a fucking dickhead!! I hate him so much..

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