Beauty and the Beast

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We got out of the car and Dev followed me towards the rest of the guys. It was difficult to take in what he had told me in the car but now I could see Chris' deep crease in his forehead, I understood why Dev said what he did. He glared straight at me and Devin whispers in my ear "please don't tell him what I told you? promise me you won't Flo" he gave me a worried look "I won't okay? I wouldn't do that. You can trust me" I replied and he gave me a reassured smile and walked passed Chris and into the club after brushing off the livid stare that Chris threw at him. I smiled at Chris and he gave me a half crooked smile. I loved that smile so so much. I went into the club and the guys followed me to where Devin had sat down. We went and sat down in the booth but I sat away from Devin but opposite Chris as I didn't want a fight breaking out tonight. Ricky went and ordered in the first round of drinks and I looked around the place. It was dark but it had red wallpaper and the big shiny bar was in the middle and everyone was dancing around it. I saw Ricky disappear into the crowd towards the bad and I scanned the rest of the room as the rest of the guys chatted about band stuff. Something caught my eye. Someone caught my eye. A man must of been mid 20's, tall, quite chunky and dark haired. He was looking at me and I blushed but turned back around to the others. I wasn't interested...after all I had just found out that Chris liked me. Ricky came back and we started to drink. We all spoke about various things and one conversation led to another but before long I was on my 6th drink and I kept noticing that guy in the far corner staring at me with that same grin on his face. "What the fuck does he want?" asked balz "i don't know haha, I'm not interested" I replied and saw that Chris had a little smile on his face but it soon disappeared when Dev started speaking. He must've still been angry at Dev for earlier. I got sick of the tension so I took everyone's orders and escaped into the crowd to get to the bar. When I eventually staggered over to the bar, I ordered the next round of shots and waited facing the bar.

I felt someone grab my waist "are you feeling okay now?" I asked him as I had my back to him. "I'm great now that your here sweet cheeks." came a husky unfamiliar reply. I jumped and turned around in his arms trying to get him off me, it didn't work. "Hello? Do I know you?" I asked, trying not to panic "I bet you wish that you did sugar" he chuckled. It was that guy. The guy that had been staring at me. I was about to turn back around but he suddenly grabbed my waist and forced his mouth onto mine. I pushed him off "you trying to get away princess?" he chuckled and I smelt his stale alcoholic breath as he grabbed me harder, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I tried again to push away but this time he grabbed my wrists tightly and pushed me into the bar. He pushed himself against me. Ouch. It hurt. He started touching me and caressing my boobs and butt. I started to cry. I didn't like it. I didn't want him to do This. He pressed himself against me harder and started to grind against my tiny figure. I tried to punch him and he slapped me. I couldn't breathe. I almost fell over. I cried out for him to stop but he got me be the wrists and dragged me over to the corner and made me sit on his lap. I felt his warm breath against my neck as he kiss it and tears began to roll steadily down my cheeks. I felt suffocated. He had his big forearm wrapped tightly around my stomach so I couldn't get away. My mascara smudged everywhere and made my eyes sting so I couldn't see anything...but I felt him. He slid his big hands up the inside of my leg and forced my legs open. I screamed out in pain as he started rubbing me incredibly hard. It hurt too much. Violent. He continued to caress my boobs as tears fell from my chin onto his arms. I had to do something. Where we're the others? I needed help. "HELP!!!! HELP ME!!" I screamed but was silenced when he swung me around and made me kiss him again. I stomped on his toe as hard as I could. It wasn't much but he let go of me momentarily and that was enough. I ran. With my skirt torn off practically I ran through the crowd towards the guys. Fuck he followed and tripped me up and I hit the floor hard. My head smacked against the hard floor and he was top of me once again pressing his weight on my body. I couldn't breathe and I had tears running down my face again. I screamed as he slapped me again and I tried to wriggle free but couldn't. He grabbed my face and smashed his mouth to mine again and I cried. I closed my eyes. I just wanted it to be over already. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY GIRIL YOU TWAT!!!" it was Chris. He dragged the man off of me and told me to run so I did. I staggered to my feet as fast as I could and ran. Ran into the toilets. I ran in and collapsed in the toilet against the sink and balled my eyes out. I heard shouting coming from outside and the guy swore as the guys beat him up. I felt sick, I suddenly crawled over to the toilet and was sick. I then crawled back and tried to catch my breath. My head fucking hurt and I still couldn't see very well. I was exhausted. "My girl" he called me his girl. He did like me. I let my thoughts fluctuated as I felt myself drift and passed out on the bathroom floor.

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