Part 1 - Virgil

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My eyes shot open like bullets when I heard a slight noise from somewhere around me. I was a pretty light sleeper so I wasn't super surprised that it awoke me so suddenly. My body felt numb but I knew whatever it was that made the noise, I had to fight it.

Using my hands and whatever strength I could muster I pushed myself up from my bed, leaning against my headboard with the rest of my dead weight body still on the main bed. It was really dark but my eyes had adjusted just enough that I could make out some objects and fill in the rest. 

 I was in a room. My room. Strange. It didn't feel like my room. It was so much colder, but no other room in the house looked like this. Looked like my room. My door was at the end of my bed with my dresser right next to it. My dresser was covered in stickers that read, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and some other of my favorite bands. The wall to my right housed the door to my bathroom but the door was closed so I couldn't see inside.

My muscles started to move in favor of going to the bathroom. Maybe the noise came from there? Maybe I could just wash my face and make this all go away.  And that was my plan until I heard a noise again coming from my left.

I swiftly turned my attention to the corner of the room that housed my closet, which was open. Didn't I close it before I went to sleep? Now I'm even more confused. Still leaning in favor of the bathroom, I swung my legs off my bed and felt my feet hit the floor. Now, I was facing the bathroom door. I could feel my breathing start to become jagged and my hands shake. Why was I like this? I pushed myself up and on to my feet, feeling dizzy as I fully stood up. When the world stopped spinning around me, I started to slowly move towards the bathroom.

I was going slow, but my heart was beating fast. I kept slowly moving, hearing faint whispers around me. I couldn't make out what they were saying but as soon as I touched the bathroom door handle, they stopped. I opened the door, turned on the light, and walked straight to the sink.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The bags under my eyes were black and deep. My dark brown eyes were almost like black holes as they swallowed the lights from the bathroom. My mouth was parted slightly which allowed me to notice my dry and cracked lips. "I'm a mess," I muttered to myself as I bent over the sink and turned on the water. Cupping the water in my hands, I threw it in my face and scrubbed lightly with my hands. I took a couple of breaths, feeling a little better. I looked back up at myself in the mirror and saw my eyes glowing bright yellow.

All in one motion, I felt chains attach to my wrists, gluing me to my place. The ends of the chain were shooting up from the ground and they started to slowly sink into the ground. With my wrists still at the ends, I was pulled to my knees. 

The whispers started to return except this time, they were shouts. Yelling at me from all angles. Calling me names, "worthless" "pathetic" "hated." I couldn't even cover my ears. I just had to be there and take it as it came.

Then, a loud laugh came above the shouting.

I felt the water start to surround me. I didn't turn off the water! The water kept rising and rising. Before I knew it, I couldn't breathe. All I could see was my glowing yellow eyes reflecting into the water and back at me. 

This was it. I had lost. What would the others think? How useless. I can't even save myself. I started roughly swaying left and right. The last thing I saw was bubbles as I closed my eyes for what I was hoping was the last time ever.

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