Chapter 6

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Mia walked in to see,Mila cleaning the drawer where she had placed the contract.It didnt looked like cleaning but more of a searching thing but whatever it was,Mia was convinced,she gonna have a seizure.

'Good thing you home Mia.I cant find my sparkle pens.Help me?'

Mila made a cute face which Mia didnt really focused on,her mind caught up on other things.If the situation had been different,Mia would have asked her to act up for her lack of taking care of her stuff,But this time seemed an exception.

'Sure.'She placed her bag on the bed.

'Why dont you check that one?'She asked mila and she obliged to it.Going to the one nearest to the bed,plopping her legs on it and lazily searching,unaware of Mia hiding the file somewhere else.After fifteen minutes of searching,they found it,a certain purple hiding in their mother's makeup vanity which was now used by girls,mostly Mila.

it was the evening when mia broke it to her.not really,She couldnt tell her the real reason because of the confidentiality agreement she had signed,not without Daniel's involvement in it but she had told her that the new place shes been working has transferred her for some reason and its only going to for few months.

It wasnt as hard as mia had thought its going to be.The reaction she got from mila nearly shocked her.

'Oh.So im going to have to live all alone now?'She bit her nail.'Mhmm I see.Dont worry mia,i will take care of everything.Will go to check up on mom anytime i could and might even work at the floral shop you hold dearly than me'She acted as if she was jealous.

'How and when did my sister grew up?'Mia teased. 

The evening ended and then came the next day.And then next day,then some more days passed as she tried to cope up with all the new adjustments she now had going in her life,like gym and other minor stuff that would come her way.Mia struggled to keep up with everything she thought were neglectable such as posture.

She even had to take classes on Savvanah's friends or people she knew, dancing classes,another hobby of Savvanah and to make it easy for her,Jenna added aerobics in her timetable.Shawn even went as far as to suggest mia to get a nose job which was a ridiculous idea and she let him know that.She would even go home late some days and when mila would ask what kept her down till that hour,she would simply put it as 'long hours' or 'extra work'.That would shush mila and sometimes she would even do mia's part of house chores.

The last day rolled in,making Mia emotional for some reason as she stepped out off the bus and began for home.She had visited their mother,lucy who was diagnosed from anixety and panic attacks fourteen months ago.They had then send her to rehab home to get her treated for better but today when the doctor spoke about lucy showing the symptoms of Dementia,she felt as if she had received another attack to her heart.She didnt knew how she was going to tell Mila about it or was she even going to tell her?She was confused.

Quick question 6:How will you help your planet today,by planting a tree or avoid wasting/save water?

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