Chapter 3

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Mia gathered all the used plates and began tiding the table for whoever comes next.She's been on her new job for almost two weeks now and so far she was fine with it.She took them back to the kitchen and came back to attend another customer,then another and then few more.Her shift was done and she was in the changing room,about to leave when Cole,her co-worker came asking for her.

"Hey Cole."

"Bob asked you to visit room no.34B and dont ask why because i dont know either and he insisted on it."

Mia was confused as to why her boss would ask her to do something that was clearly not her job.

"I'll see bob myself first."She began moving out of the room.

"He was already his way out when he asked me to deliver the message."With that cole left as Mia stood there in doubt.

She then decided to do what was asked for and was knocking the door in a minute.

The door opened and there was standing the very same man she met in the elevator few days back.Suddenly,many questions and doubts started to form in her head as to why her boss would ask her to meet some old man who,for few seconds actually creeped her and that too in a hotel room.She tried to peep in the room for any sign of another person,preferably a female but there was none.Her brain began to slow down making it difficult for her to form any words.And she somehow gathered her strength when the man Open the door more wider and spoke with a smile.

"Ahh Miss.Hill,I have been expecting you.Please come in."

"Sure,but i haven't been expecting your invite.May i know why i have been asked to see you?"She spoke straight trying to gain her senses back.

"I think its better if we talk in privacy."He eyed the passing waiter and added "Also,its not for what you think.Please come in."

Somehow,Mia stepped in and he shut the door and took a seat in front of her.Mia was waiting him to speak,her eyes like hawk on his every movement.

"So Miss Hill,I will end straight to the point.I have a proposition for you."

Her eyebrows raised ,she was clearly surprised.

"A proposition?For me?"

"Yes.And a very good one."He leaned into his chair,placing a leg over other.

Surely that picked her interest,but she knew its going to be either good or very bad,highly doubting that good would be in her part.Anyways,she spoke.

"And what will that be?"

"You will be working for me and not as a waitress."He cleared when he saw her expression that turned more curious after hearing the last part.

He exhaled deeply."You will have to impersonate some one."

Mia was taken aback by the least expecting thing."You are serious."She stated looking at his face."But who?"

"You will know.If you agree.She looks just like you."

"Isn't imposing considered a fraud?"

The man nodded slowly."It is but I'm in desperate need now.If you agree,i assure you that you wont be getting in any trouble.Besides,it wont be for too long.Only 6-7 months."

There was a pause.While the old man was anticipating her answer,Mia already made her decision.Picking her bag,she stood.

"I'm sorry,but i dont think I might be any help to you."

Mia didn't knew who she has to impose or maybe she had an idea but clearly she wasn't sure neither about what she'll have to do during that period and she simply didn't want to know.She didn't really thought about the pros and cons but decided that she dont want to do it.

"I believe you're getting a block-head Mia.Just think about my offer and how it can help you."Mia registered that he was now on the first name basis but continued to listen him.He got up from his seat as well.

"Your sister,Mila right?"That shocked Mia."Think about her.Her high school will be ending in some time and about your mother too.."She was again taken aback.
"You can get her better rehab with the money you get."

The man could clearly see the blow Mia got and Mia was disturbed would be nothing less than an under statement.She knew nothing about him,not even his name and he had everything checked about her.

"Who are you?"

Her thoughts were loud enough.Surely,a decent man would not do any such thing.For all she know,he might be a dealer,gangster or a pimp.They all are rich too,wearing nice clothes and every thing.

"Daniel Gillmore.If you dont know,I'm a business man in america,quiet famous,you can do your research."Mia was gasping the information and apparently it took her longer when Daniel spoke.

"So Miss Hill,Did you decide or you can have your time."

Mia was not sure how she could answer all she could utter was ''I dont know.I need time."

"Very well then,I am in canada for more three days.You know where to look for me..and in any case,this is my card."He moved towards the bed and pulled a card from a bag.She accepted and left the place.

Mia heard Mila whistling in the kitchen then taking a peek out when she heard her unlock the door.

"Heyyyy.Sup?Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes sissy."

"Alright."Mia nodded and got into the bathroom.

Mia almost forgot about the proposition,listening and laughing at Mila's banter and when the time to sleep came,she looked over at Mila from her side and some part of her mind already made a decision and her heart knew as she turned over throwing her arm at Mila and falling into sleep.

Quick question 3:If you ever had to choose between coke and water with all your meals,what will you choose?

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