Chapter 5

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Mia was staring at the chipping wall of her apartment,into the oblivion when her phone rang and drawed her out of it.


'Am I speaking to Miss.Hill?'The voice on the other side asked to which Mia affirmed.

'I am shawn mendes.I a.....'Everything said on the call was blurr for Mia for few moments.Hearing the name made her hella confused.She couldnt understand why would a freaking hot singer call her.It seemed confusing for her and her brain wouldnt wrap around it even a little until she was being called.

'Uh huh..yes?Im sorry but are we related somehow?I mean like cousins or family fr-'

'What?Miss.Hill,I have been asked by Daniel Gillmore to contact you.And-'


'He asked me to give you the following address and make sure you are there in an hour.Is it fine with you?'Didnt he say someone's gone pick me up?She thought.Either way its fine as long as Mila wont know from any other source except her.

Since it was sunday,she agreed.


Mia reached out to grab the nearest thing to scribble down and once she was done,she kept staring at it.The address given seemed like a posh area,her mind already counting the fare the ride would charge.While contemplating between a taxi and the bus,she watched as Mila walked in the living room,yawning with all the glory of her nest of a head and slouching down on the couch.

'Who was it?'She asked.

Once again Mia was contemplating weather to tell Mila the truth or not.Last night she hadnt.Just enjoying some time with her clown sister,not wanting any muddle in the air between her and Mila.She thought it a little selfish of her but she dumped the thought way deep in the cluster of her mind.

'From work.'She didnt lie though,since it was her new job,the one Mil knows nothing about yet.Mila nodded grogily.

Passing the automatic doors,Mia walked towards the reception and few moments later the receptiomist called some one.In,walked a guy and introduced himself  as shawn mendes.He looks nothing like him,the thought came over to mia which she brushed at tried to be polite.Seems like Daniel has contacted him to help her with all the 'homework' as he said it himself.He escorted them both to an elevator and in no time she was walking through some more doors again and into a big lavish room except it didnt looked like just like any normal room,she thought.She was waiting in the middle of it as Shwan left her to take a call, when another man approached her.He had a good sense in style and fashion,she noticed.

'Hi.You must be Mia.I am Ethan rogers'.He spoke,holding a hand between them.

'Yes.Nice to meet you.'She smiled,accepting his hand.

'I'd rather not say it yet.'The girl beside him muttered.Ethan roled his eyes at him.

'Dont mind her,She's just jealous I got a beautiful client instead of him.'The girl snikered.They argued back and forth in a fun way like best friends and it helped Mia calm her nerves.

They stopped in the centre of the room and the girl,Emilia made her stand on a podium.Their attitude taking a complete 360 professional turn.They would ask her to turn around or sometimes the would murmur between themselves and note stuff down in a took nearly an hour and she caught a symphatetic glances from shawn,who would talk here and there a lil and return back to whatever he was busy with on his phone.

The shop Shawn took her to was on the same building but on a different floor.When she reached there,she realized what it was,a gym.She stopped to breathe for a second until shawn ushered them in.Soon a women walked up to them in wearing a gym suit.She had a perfect body making Mia hyper aware of herself.

'Hey shawn.'The woman high-fived.'Gonna introduce your friend here?' she smiled at Mia taking in her whole figure."She must think how out of shape i am",the thoughts began to crawl in agian.

'Sure.Meet Mia Hill.'Then he turned back to Mia.'Mia,this is Jenna.Your trainer.

'Ohh.Hi.'Mia forced a smile at her.Her stomach already beganing to chrn and flip and all that scared,nervous crap.

'So when do you join?'she asked and before Mia could answer,Shawn beat her.

'She joins today.'Mia's eyes bulged out hearing him and definitely her expressions betrayed when she heard Jenna laugh looking at her.

'Not a fan,are we?'she still found her expressions funny.

'oh,definitely not.'

'Dont worry,I wont be hard'Jenna began to turn as she spoke,her expressions teasingly devilish.'Today'


Two and half hours later,Mia finally escaped Jenna's clutches and almost got out of the building.She actually wanted to run.Jenna wasn't true to her.That's what Mia thought.Or,if she was,then she shuddered thinking about tomorrow.

'We've got more last stop for today.But before that,would you like some coffee or something quick to eat?'Shawn asked and Mia was thinking about it and Shawn again beat her to it,something Mia realized he loves doing.

'Come on now,i have a meeting in another 90 minutes and your face is speaking for yourself.'

'Is it?'Mia asked and shawn nodded.

'You look like you going to faint any moment.'

They walked out and got into a car.Nothing luxurios,just like the second-hand one Mia used to have,except this was seemed in a better condition.

Mia followed Shawn in the line.Shawn placed his order and moved.Hearing Mia placing her order made him stop and ask her about her choice.

'Are you sure?You want to waste your two hours of workout for a regular coffee and fries?'He was looking at her as if she was crazy.

that made Mia snap.'Two and half hours and whats wrong with a regular?

'Regular coffee has sugar.Too many calories,besides you wouldnt want Jenna to get mad and make you work out extra.

Mia couldnt contain herself and the words slipped out of her.'And who's gonna tell Jenna?'

Shawn smirked raising an eyebrow at her question.She was like a kid who would steal a cookie and thinks the mother wouldnt know,Shawn thought.The women in the line starts to get irritated and doesnt hides it.


When they were done eating,they drove to another store.

'Do you have any eyesight problems?'Shawn questioned.

'Err,No.Why would you ask that?'

'Because we're going to get you some lenses.Your eye color doesnt really match you know.And your voice too.We've got to work on that too."

"Wha-How?We cant change that!"

"Look,there are some techniques singers use.Like warmups and others.I don't really know but we'll fix it.

Mia's could feel her brain whirl.This was too much to take at once.Anddd Shawn didnt mention who she doesn't match to,but Mia clearly caught the hint.Does Daniel know that Shawn knows everything?Of course he does.How would have Shawn known about it if not beacuse of Daniel.So,everything is not really that hidden,she thought watching as the buildings drifted away outside from her car.

Quick question 5:Whats your fav between BTS and 5SOS?

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