chapter 4

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Mia stood facing the fancy door rubbing her palms together,just then the door opened and she saw a frown turning into a smile.Daniel stood there with the door now wide open,allowing her space to enter.She did,nervously.She was sure about her decision but only sixty percent.The other was still calling out for her to run back home.

Getting in as the door opened,she waited until they were seated and spoke out her decision watching Daniel as his lips turns into a huge grin.

"Believe me,you wont regret this."He told her to which she nodded.

He poured a drink,offering her which she politely excused.He walked back as both of them took their seats.

"So miss.Hill,now that you have agreed,lets look over the actual work you'll be doing."

"I'm listening."Mia nodded.

Daniel pulled out his mobile and moved it towards Mia.

" daughter."

Mia clearly caught emotions in his voice but didn't spoke about it.Instead she took the mobile in her hands,looking at the girl who looked just as her,so much that for a few seconds she thought it was herself.But she realized that she wasn't.The girl she had been staring at was different in so many ways.Savanah's eyes were a different shade while hers were rich brown.There noses were just a little different as well,so little that no one might even notice.Then it was the skin tone,Savanah had a tan while Mia had a milky tone.Despite all those little differences,they still looked the same people.

"I now see why you thought i am your daughter."She looked up at me and Daniel sighed before gulping his drink.

Gilmore didn't want to go deep in there again,not in front of someone else.Thinking about his only daughter always brought tears.

Clearing his throat,he spoke."Your job will be acting as my daughter.She was in Africa where she..she...met her fate and no one knows about it.No one has to know about it yet."

Stressing the last part,Daniel continued.

"You'll be coming to states with me.There,your going to live in my house with my wife for some time.My wife has recently gone through a heart surgery and she will be asking for Savanah As she belives savannah is still in africa.After that you will be able to shift in Savanah's apartment."

He stopped,taking in her expressions.Her face looked jumbled.
"Miss.Hill?"He called out and Mia snapped her head towards him.

"I'm listening.Please continue."

"I was saying,that tho you look like my daughter but you both have a little differences too."

"I got that much."Mia muttered.

"Yes and I think we would need some help to fix those."

Mia gave a questioning look."Help as in?"

Daniel spoke again."you do see that you both have a different eye color?We will need that get fix by lens or anything.Then..dont get me wrong but Miss.Hill, with all respect you're perfectly fine but Savanah had a leaner physique.."He stopped to see Mia's reaction.She instantly narrow her eyes staring at him before nodding,knowing where its going.


"And also,you both have different skin color.That has to be taken care of too."

Daniel watched Mia taking everything in,her brain working.For a few seconds,there was silence and Daniel spoke again.

"May i know your height?"

"Huh?"Mia asked."its 5'5"."

"Savanah was 5'7" or 8" tall if im not wrong."He spoke,nodding as he was thinking about it,in thoughts.

"That has to be worked on too then."Mia said."I never even thought about these things."

"Neither did I"Daniel agreed.

He handed her a notepad.

"Write down your address here,i'll send someone tomorrow to help you with everything.Also,this is going to take time so i think it will be better for you to quit whatever job you have on your hand."

"I don't think that will be needed."

"I do.I'm here for 3 more days and then will be leaving for Greece.I will be coming back here again and you will go to states with me.You have two week's time and i don't see it possible to get all these changes done.Its a lot more than it looks.And you might need a lil time too i suppose?"He raised an eyebrow at her and she nodded.


After that I i left the hotel for my home thinking how am gonna break this to mila.I was actually worried how she gonna react and honestly i was worried to.After dad left us and mom suffering from anxiety and depression,it was only me and mila for each other.I knew it was going to be  hard living away from her but my concern was more on the other side of it.How she gonna manage everything and where she gonna stay because i didnt want to leave her on her own.Reaching home,i opened the door  and walked in to see mila's head bent down into her books.She looked at me and smiled.

'Hey.sup...whats wrong?'

Mia slouched beside her.'Nothing.'

'Doesnt seems like nothing'She dropped her pencil down placing a hand on my shoulder as i dropped my head in my hands and groaned.

'Is it the landlord again?Tell me.I'm gonna choke him with lilies and make a noose of money plant and hang him on the oak tree.'The last part made me splutter on her,breaking into laughter.

She gaped at me.'I'm being serious here Mia.Whats even funny??'

Mia flung a hand around her sister and kissed her on the cheek.

'You,my sugar plum.'As she pinched Mila's cheek adoringly,Letting off all the thoughts out from her mind and lived the moment.

Quick question 4:Plain yogurt or Greek yogurt?

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